Anyone got any cool Sabbat stuff?

Haven't got any bootlegs myself unfortunately. :(

I am after a decent mp3 copy of Blood For the Blood God which was only released (AFAIK) as a flexi-disc on the cover of White Dwarf magazine.

Andy? Anyone?

i have 3000 of those flexi discs! Martin and I have just done an interview about Sabbat for next issue of zero tolerance magazine, should make interesting reading.
Andy Sneap said:
i have 3000 of those flexi discs! Martin and I have just done an interview about Sabbat for next issue of zero tolerance magazine, should make interesting reading.

Cool, I shall check out the interview. Any chance of mp3ing one of those flexi's? ;)

An old friend of mine (who was/is ever so slightly deranged) actually had a copy of that, but many years ago at a party thought it would be hilarious to set fire to it while it was playing. :lol:

Andy Sneap said:
"In ancient times, hundreds of years before the dawn of history, an ancient race of people... the Druids. No one knows who they were or what they were doing..."
:grin: :rock: