Anyone got any info on the production on Pornograffitti?


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK
For an album released in 1990, that tone is fucking ridiculous. It's so clear and crisp, raspy and aggressive, but creamy and smooth on the leads too. Anyone got any info on Nuno's chain back then? I think he was rockin the TriAxis for a while but I dunno about back in the 90's (was the Triaxis even about back then?).

Anyway, sick album, about one of the only things classed as 'hair metal' that I can get on with :lol: Extreme and Winger! :kickass: Love'em
That was his Washburn N4 into an ADA MP1 with a Macintosh tube poweramp. Not sure of the speaker cab but that was the standard rig that Michael Wagener plugged everyone through at that time including Skid Row and White Lion.
ADA MP-1 baby! :Smokedev:

Michael Wagener said:
The setup for the guitar sound for the EXTREME sessions as well as the first SkidRow album and White Lion's "Pride" album (in most cases, not on all tracks) was a Furman PEQ-3 into an unmodified ADA MP-1 (version 1.0, still got it) going into a McIntosh transistor poweramps (2100) into an original Marshall cab with 4x G12H (30W). The mics were, if I remember it right: Fostex M11RP Ribbon, Countryman lavalier and possibly a SM57/58 going into John Hardy M-1s and from there via a mono buss into a UREI 530 EQ and a BBE 802 then to digital tape (Mitsubishi 32 tack) Most of the sound came out of Nuno's hands, though
Holy Christ. Thanks dudes! It really is a sick sick tone, I'm really digging tones like this lately, even for really heavy stuff. I'm starting to favour clarity and definition over heaviness and "size" per se.
He-Man woman hater.... what a riffff!!!

no doubt man! my fav track on the cd. they're all good, though. i put some serious mileage on the tape when it came out. :lol:

Nuno is a fuckin' awesome player. i'm sure a major part of that tone is his excellent technique.
Anybody listened to the Rebel Meets Rebel album (with Dimebag, Vinnie, Rex) ?

It reminds me a lot of the Pornograffiti album, both songwise (especially the riffing) and production-wise (guitar tone, big reverbey drums, ...), just in a more modern and redneck/cowboy-ish way.

Also i feel that some of the Suicidal Tendencies albums (esp. when Trujilo joined and had his funk influences) have a similar vibe in terms of playing/production.

Well i guess that's what people refer to as "funk metal".
the link is broken, here are the fixed ones:

All the Stryper albums from Soldiers on were MarkII C+ with a MXR 10 Band EQ as a Boost. Y&B Attack was a 100w Marshall

The real trick to Michael Wageners tones back then was this:

and here is the info on Nunos tone on Pronografittit which to me is the the shit! Best tone to come out of the hair metal genre!

edit: and the broken link that wagener linked to as fixed is