Anyone hav, know, or can give me the lyricl translations for S/T

There have been many such requests. Apparently, the lyrics are unavailable. Only way you could get them is by listening closely. And you'd need a native speaker to do (and translate) that obviously.
That would be really difficult just to understand it, much less be able to spell, and then translate..... but hey, if you've got the time ;)
That's an interesting tidbit. So the lyrics were more or less improvised. To any Norwegian native speaker: Is it difficult getting the lyrics while listening to the self-titled album? I would guess so, since Garm sings with his black metal vocals only, I believe.
I don't have the cd, ad it's difficult to get here. I asked at Sound of Noise (the best metal shop in Oslo/Norway), and was told it's not possible to get.... Else I could have seen if I understood anything. But if it's just as difficult as on Ulver's Kveldssanger, it's rather small chances to get anything out of it. :-/