Anyone heard either of these rumors?

May 9, 2003
Ok, I may sound totally clueless and not know what the hell I am saying, but just confirm these true or false.

I have a friend at work who doesn't listen to much Evergrey, I was actually the one to introduce the band to him and he sort of like them. He reads all kinds of things online related to metal, and he told me a couple things he read somewhere that I hope anyone here can help me with.

First, he said members of Evergrey were working with members of Soilwork on a sideproject, he couldn't remember the name of it (how convienient...) but said he would look again to tell me later. This seems like it could very well be true since Soilwork is from Sweden as well. But, Evergrey are getting ready to release a new album in April and it doesn't seem like the time is there. Actually me telling my friend about the new album in April is what brought him to remember this news he gave me.

Second, which I really think is false since no one here is talking about it. He said he heard a couple of the band members got into accidents. Like he said one of them was in a train wreck, and another in a car accident or something. I know this one is prob wrong cause I know you guys here would be talking about it like mad if it did happen.

Can anyone clear things up for me?
You're right about the accidents.
That was bassplayer Michael Hakansson both times.
First the tram-crash i early 2003 and then he crashed with his motorbike in September.
But he is well and kickin' again.
As for the other rumour about collaborating with some members of Soilwork, I don't know if it's true or false.
But Evergrey are currently working on their new album, so I guess they don't have time for anything else at the moment.
..Sven from Soilwork played with Evergrey for a couple of years. Maybe your friend read something about that...

Saxiquine said:
You're right about the accidents.
That was bassplayer Michael Hakansson both times.
First the tram-crash i early 2003 and then he crashed with his motorbike in September.
But he is well and kickin' again.
As for the other rumour about collaborating with some members of Soilwork, I don't know if it's true or false.
But Evergrey are currently working on their new album, so I guess they don't have time for anything else at the moment.
Thanks for the replies, now that you brought up the crash from early this year I remembered it. However I didn't hear about the recent one that ocurred in September. Man, he sure needs to settle down or something serious could happen to him. Don't wanna lose a great bass player. About the collaboration with Soilwork, my friend said he heard a project name, but I will see later if he got mixed up with what he read. Your probably right though, and he prob read about that one guy from Soilwork used to play with Evergrey.
Sven and Mike started out together back in the days in melodic goth/metal band Embraced. It's a good band so check it up. Especially the debut album "Amorous Anathema".
And I promise, I will try to keep Mike from getting hurt again, but he can be pretty stubborn *grin*