Anyone heard Scott Walker's The Drift?

i recommend watching the scott walker doc that bbc played. I cant think of the name, but it was a very good story of his life. Fantastic songwriter he is.
i recommend watching the scott walker doc that bbc played. I cant think of the name, but it was a very good story of his life. Fantastic songwriter he is.

yeah i recall seeing that a few years ago. very interesting stuff.
i recommend watching the scott walker doc that bbc played. I cant think of the name, but it was a very good story of his life. Fantastic songwriter he is.
It's called Scott Walker: 30th Century Man and yeah it's a very good doco. Please let it not be another decade before his next studio release.
I didn't say they weren't worth it, I'd rather not have to wait that long. Plus he will be in his mid 70's in a decade. I love basically everything by him, it's just an awfully long wait for another album.
I don't think I could ever listen to this as normal music for any time of the day like with my Tool and Opeth ######## cuz of the weird vocals, but I did listen to a few tracks with all the lights off, and damn, this is some really cool atmospheric stuff.
My favourite way to listen to this album is playing it on my Xbox 360, with the visualisations on, whilst smoking a biff. Clichéd, maybe, but it was a very engrossing experience.
Vivören;7820892 said:
That's Daffy Duck.

Thanks for playing though, nice try.

I'm guessing you are not American so you probably didn't watch Daffy Duck or Donald Duck on a regular basis as a child so I will give you a pass on it. Go rent some Disney movie with Donald Duck and some Warner Bros. movie with Daffy Duck and get back to me.

Better yet, go here

and here

How would you like your crow?
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