anyone here arde from amazon?


riffer madness
Feb 17, 2002
Visit site
i recently ordered items from amazon,safe home single and some david allan coes products.

i wont order anything more until i get my first order thru but i just wanted to know if everyone has had mainly positives about amazon service??
I've ordered from them many times. It's always good.
Once the order was lost in the mail. I let them know, and they shipped a free replacement 2-day air!
I don't order from them unless i can't find a cd anywere else reasons
1) Allways takes longer to get here than it says it will.
2) The cd's cases are allways cracked
3) They charge for postage and packageing and wrap it up in a peice of cardboard if there gonna charge you for P&P at least bubble wrap it so it won't get cracked. have been ok.
BUT they say if you don;t like a CD you can return it for a full refund. i did this twice and they only refunded me about HALF my money!!

they say that when they refund your money they will send you a confirmation email saying that the money is going back onto your credit card- on both ocassions this NEVER happened!!!
so me thinks they are trying to con people out of money that is rightfully theirs.
oh i just found my correspondance with them if anyone's interested. makes good reading!!!
they only seem to 'copy and paste' replies and never answer your emails properly...idiots!

i recently returned an item to you: audio CD "First Strike Still
> Deadly [IMPORT]". ($34.99)
> i have just checked my account page and it stated that you have only
> refunded me part of the full amount: $19.48.
> this is the second time now that you have not refunded me the correct
> amount (the previous occasion, i returned 2 bill frisell CDs to you
> within the stated 30 days and in perfect condition). only after i
> said i would write to the managing director of amazon and the head of
> customer services informing them of this error did i receive a full
> refund.
> i would like a full explanation, and apology for this inconvenience
> and stupid mistake which gives the impression that you are out to con
> customers by not refunding them what is rightfully their money,
> after they have returned the goods to you in perfect condition.
> i look forward to hearing back from you,
> yours sincerely
> max franosch
> london, UK.


> Dear Max,
> Thank you for writing to
> I apologize for the delay in responding to your e-mail message.
> Please be assured that all of us here are working very hard to
> provide a thorough, personal answer to each of our customers as
> quickly as possible.
> Once more, I apologize for any misunderstanding regarding the amount
> of your refund for this return. Please note that we will deduct the
> cost of return shipping from your refund, unless the return is a
> result of our error. Also, the original shipping cost is not
> refunded unless,again, the return is the result of our error.
> Therefore, the cost of return shipping $1.99 was deducted from the
> cost of the item(s) you returned.
> "Please note: Because your return is not the result of our
> error,shipping costs associated with your return will be deducted
> from the amount of your refund."
> I hope this explanation clarifies the matter. Again, I am sorry that
> our web site was not clearer regarding how refunds are calculated.
> Thank you for shopping at
> Best regards,
> Jainamma U

dear amazon customer service,

it seems you did not read my initial email properly, or you did not understand what the probelm is.

let me simplify it for you:
i bought i CD from you at a cost of $34.99
i returned said CD to you (which i paid the cost of the return postage).
you have only refunded me $19.48


i do not wish, nor expect for you to refund the cost of you having to post the CD to me in the first place (this would mean that you are losing money). i, the customer, have paid for the 'return' shipping.

i quote from your email:
"> Therefore, the cost of return shipping $1.99 was deducted from the
> cost of the item(s) you returned."

how on earth do you see fit to subtract $1.99 for the return postage which i paid for???
this is absolutely ridiculous, and it is THEFT!!!

think about it - i have paid for the return postage, and yet you are taking away $1.99 from the amount you owe me!!!

please refund me $15.51 to my credit card.

should you fail to do so, i shall be asking you for the postal address of the managing director/CEO of amazon and the head of customer services. and i shall be writing a letter to them including a full transcript of these emails to show them how customers are being cheated out of money that is rightfully theirs when they return an item for a refund.
what makes this situation worse is that this is the second time that you have not refunded me in full for items i have returned to you - this would imply that this happens on a regular basis (?).

this is a total waste of my time to sit here and write emails to you.
i am extremely disappointed and frustrated by this matter, especially as amazon has such a good reputation for serving the customer.
this whole matter has completely changed my perception of, and i do hope this problem can be rectified...

i look forward to hearing back from you.

yours sincerely
max franosch

london, UK

i haven't kept their last reply but they firmly denied they were cheating customers out of money.
and in the end i got my $15.51 back...
I ususally don't order from Amazon itself, but from the various "stores" that they offer. I got Geezer Butler's "Black Science" and "Plastic Planet" through third parties that have a "storefronts" on Amazon. The CD's came quick, well packaged, and relatively cheap.