Anyone here capable of getting guitar sounds like these?

How about those by the way ? :

Also, i dig the song starting in the clips at 3"30 in the OP. Sounds like it could be a track from the last Alabama Thunderpussy, which had killer middy rockish kinda tones also :

I think picking hard on Gibson guitars with stock pup's on Marshall with a very middy mid-gain setting is a good start. Can work with 57's if the tone is fat enough already, but it can get easier with condensers.

Just my 2 cents.
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Also, anothet guy that got killer middy rockish guitar tones was producer Jacob Bredahl (which is also ex-Hatesphere singer and Barcode's guitar player) on the latest Barcode record :

listen at the tone starting at 1"00... just MASSIVE !!!

I think he used Gibson guitars into Marshall heads and a Mosfet head or something, plugged into Marshall cabs or something.
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Hmm I´m really interested in the whole coloring thing... I´ll soon get a second 1176. Ever tried coloring signals by sending them through your 1176s with the attack knob fully counterclockwise (comp off) Ermin?