Anyone here from Birmingham University?

Hey hunny long time no see,
im not from birmingham uni but i thought id reply and say hey anyway. im missing u and i hope i get to see u soon, im kinnda worried about u coz last time we spoke u didnt seem like urself, :( and i liss the old u. anyway im sure ill talk to u soon, loads of love and kisses and hugs and rainbows and good vibes from Rozzy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Roz huni, when you spoke to me on the phone i was pissed out of my head and hardly knew what i was doing anyway. If i've changed at all while i'm here it'll only be to become even more laid back. :)

And yeah, i miss you too. been too long since i've had a chance to see you or even speak to you. i kinda hoped to see you before i left but didn't get a chance to call you and make plans. :( But i get back on the 14th so we'll see what i can do.
I'm at Lancaster University. I know this wasn't a "what uni are you at" thread, but I thought I'd join in anyway :)

Rusty - my sister's at Nottingham Trent. I considered it for a while too, I've mostly heard good things about it.

What are the "scenes" like at your respective uni's?? I joined our "Rock Society" which is as close so a metal society as there is, but not much happens really. I've met a couple of people who like melodic death metal, but nobody who's really into my favourite bands. It's mainly dominated by more mainstream metal fans, and so any metal nights at the any of the clubs round here cater for their tastes really.
Im glad that ur ok hunny coz i was worried about u. i just didnt want u to change coz i love u just the way u are, although im sure id love u no-matter what :D :saint:
Anyway we will def have to meet up when u get back, we can have a christmas day out where we wear our santa hats and go to george square like last year:p remember that lol
anyway call or txt me sometime and we'll arrange a day
love u loads
Roz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

p.s. Lynsey (McDougall) says hiya sexy ;) xxx
Originally posted by Slash Freeman
rustymetal: Kool! What are you studying? I'm studying physics. :s
Computer Science. :zzz:

Originally posted by Doom
Rusty - my sister's at Nottingham Trent. I considered it for a while too, I've mostly heard good things about it.
What course is she on?? Is she good-looking?? :p :) :D Hehe.

Originally posted by Doom
What are the "scenes" like at your respective uni's??
Hehe, I didn't see anything about the Rock Society at Freshers' Week, so I haven't got a clue. One chap has asked me to burn a copy of an Opeth album for him, but he's mostly into punk and ska, so I don't see him going far with it. :D Plenty of bloody un-metal fans though... :mad:
OH MY GOD! id totally forgotten about tigger!! that was amazing lol i mean how long did we stand and talk to him for lol and how many hugs did we get hehehehe! :D loved it! well i cant wait for our next meeting but until then love u loads and talk soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm at Edinburgh Uni.

We've got EDG&R here, and while there are the fair assortment of punx and nu-metal heads, it's very easy to find the real stuff and the people into the real stuff. We have a club night called Keroscene every wednesday from 11-3, entry is £1.50, and an average night has;

Iron Maiden, Dimmu Borgir, Cryptopsy, Arch Enemy, Slayer, Emperor, Deicide, METallica, At The Gates, Morbid Angel and other stuff like that. I'm aquainted with the owner and i've seen his CD collection....and it is divine.

So i'm happy. =)
Hey Ive applied to Edinburgh Uni! Its good to know that when i get there its not all gonna be pop-rockers :D I was dreading moving away from all my metal friends and clubs etc... but now i feel better about it thank you! :D

and u better be willing to give me a tour when i get there if i get in :p ill be relying on u to take me out to all the good clubs! hehehe

Hey Slash baby how are u? hope everythings ok with u all the way down there.
sorry i didnt get to come see u again before u left but we will meet up next time ur home sweetness, or maybe if u get lucky ill come visit :p

love u babz