Gender studies in rehearsals in metal music


New Metal Member
Nov 18, 2011
Hi, I don't really know which forum this post would suit (if anyone has a better idea let me know) but I thought this would be a good place to start if anywhere?

I am a student at Hull University and doing a dissertation on gender studies in rehearsals of Metal music. As I'm sure you're all aware it's easy enough to find male bands to participate in these sort of things but harder to find all girl bands, or even mixed! If you have a metal band or know of a metal who would like to participate in this then please message me. I would be so so appreciative!

Basically for my study I will be conducting empirical research which would involve filming, or being present for rehearsals, and/or a mere interview via email would be great!

Obviously I will go into further detail about it if you contact me.


Miss May
This sounds like an interesting study, I can't be of help but I'm interested in what you find. What is your major? I'm an Anthropology student and have been incorperating metal into my studies and papers any way I can. Sam Dunn is my idol :D