Anyone here from Singapore?


Ultimate Whisky Lover
Feb 12, 2004
Hey fellow symphony x worshippers :worship:

Im new to the forums and im just wondering, anyone here from the small country of Singapore?

Just wondering, because so few people here listen to symphony x, I only know of 3..

Anyway, its great to be part of this community! :headbang:
Oh shattered galaxy I used to play it during hte beta stages, its quite popular here yeh..

rockmanx if u like spicy good..u gotta try the laksa here, your visit here wont be complete if you dont try it, i warn you its really hot!
rockmanxpr said:
Is there any guitar shops around here? I'm at the Raffles Plaza and still not orientated well, travel just does that to you :p

Ah man, i guess your on your way home now?
Well if you do get back here, there are a few good guitar shops around but the prices are a little steep. If you do come back post something here and I will get the exact addresses for you, there are a few shops around the Raffles place area but the good ones are around the city hall area.

Theres a shop which malmsteen visited, Ill try to get the exact address of the shop for you if you come back in the near future.