Anyone here interested in writing reviews?


Hallucinating Death
Dec 24, 2001
I'm on the look out for more reviewers for my new webzine. So if you've got a very respectable underground extreme metal knowledge and think you can describe the music effectively without inducing sleep, then dont hesitate to mail me with couple of your sample reviews. Get in touch for more info -


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Also dont forget to join the mailing list (bottom of the front page) and the reinvigorated metal forum!

- KC
I'll do it. Whether you're looking for me to write opinionated reviews or reviews that just basically describe the sound, I'm up for it.
I'd do it, but I remember auditioning for it before and you were like 'OMFG WELL I WAS LOOKING FOR SOMETHING A BIT LESS ANUS-LIKE SORRY'.
I wasnt even serious that time I think. Sometimes I myself dont know if I'm being sarcastic or not.

I cant guarantee that every possible review application I get from this board will be accepted, but still, everyone mail me your shit here:

And yes, you need to get your arse back on the forum. Same goes for everyone else who is tired of ranting and ridiculing posers here.
Yeah, it was a decent forum actually, a few too many br00thurl types but the discussion generally wasn't bad at all.

Speaking of which, anyone know of any other decent (relatively speaking) metal forums other than here, Metal Rules, Metal Hall and Metal Archives?
Gallantry over Docility said:
Yeah, it was a decent forum actually, a few too many br00thurl types but the discussion generally wasn't bad at all.

Speaking of which, anyone know of any other decent (relatively speaking) metal forums other than here, Metal Rules, Metal Hall and Metal Archives?
Metal Crypt used to be pretty good, although I haven't been there in ages so I wouldn't know what it's like nowadays, nor am I willing to check it out because I'm lazy.
Certainly not. What do you think this is? I didnt start a site with the intention of making money out of it. If you were enthusiastic or obsessive enough about your music then you wouldnt ask me such a question.

Btw, site has been updated today: April 1st, 2005

- Added news and reviews of Capharnaum, Disgorge, Pigsty, Deny The Urge and Kutabare

- DC welcomes a new staff member and an old acquaintance:Rob

Capharnaum - Fractured

Deny The Urge - Subsequent Confrontation

Disgorge - Consume The Forsaken

Kutabare - Finger Food Fetish For The Morbidly Abnormal

Pigsty - Spiders

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