Anyone here play paintball?

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Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Just asking because I might buy a coworker's Spyder paintball gun + CO2 cartridge, cleaning kit, carry case and other accessories for $200 straight up.

i wanna shoot some niggas
Used to play a lot years ago, but it became too expensive of a hobby. Used to have one of the special edition spyders, back when there were only 2 or 3 variations on it, before walmart got ahold of it and made a whole array of cheapo versions. Fun as hell though, except all the 10 year olds who's parents would buy them the $1000 high power guns, they were hard to go up against.
Putting paintballs in the freezer before using them = fucking retarded.

Using marbels = fucking retarded.

How the fuck are you going to win with frozen paintballs, and how the fuck do you expect to keep an acurate gun using marbels? Fuckkkkkkinggggggg idiiiiiiiioootss.

I used to play A LOT of tourny ball, as my school had a team that practiced everyday after school.

I fucking hate scenario though, very lame.
Played once, loved the tits off it. Too expensive of a hobby to add to my collection, oh well.
Marbels don't go fast enough to hurt, they just break masks which is FUCKING GAY. Frozen paintballs dont' fucking break so what is the god damn point? Are you just trying to inflict pain? They don't hurt enough to make it 'HAHA PAIN IS FUNNY BECAUSE I'M A JACKASS' AND it is literally immpossible to win with them (because, again, they don't fucking break, jackkass'), so, in conclusion, if you freeze paintballs or shoot marbels, you are a really really really stupid person.

I used to play in high school, we'd get a good number of people and get the place to ourselves sometimes. Holy fuck was it fun, but now I don't have friends :loco:
I fucking hate scenario though, very lame.

What do you mean by "scenario"? Are you talking 'normal environments' vs. 'obstacle course' type stuff?

If so, I prefer the former. I've played it about 3 times total, and it was excellent each time. One time I was on a business trip to South Africa and we played in some old HUGE warehouse and they set it up like it was the streets of Beirut. The other time was in Queensland and it was like playing in a rainforest. The last time was in the English countryside full of old WWI style bunkers.

I think it's hilarious that companies send their workforce off to play paintball once in a while. Goddamn, those paintballs hurt! So it's fun to shoot the boss. :loco:
Oh yeah, I don't own any equipment or anything. I just rented them shitz each time I played. The guys with the expensive stuff were all wackos / nerds / virgins / overweight / all of the above.
I used to play for a little while. There was a bunch of guys I knew that used to play in the woods near town so I bought a half decent gun and equipment and joined them.

It can be fun, but without regulations it's a fucking pain & also it's expensive as fuck, so I gave it up.
JayKeeley said:
What do you mean by "scenario"?






Goddamn, to me that just would ruin it entirely. Isn't part of the fun in playing in scenarios that you can jump into cars, or climb up trees with sniper rifles etc? Making it more real and war-like has got to be more cool than a kiddies playground.
JayKeeley said:
Goddamn, to me that just would ruin it entirely. Isn't part of the fun in playing in scenarios that you can jump into cars, or climb up trees with sniper rifles etc? Making it more real and war-like has got to be more cool than a kiddies playground.

No, that makes it gay.

Paintball is paintball. It's a sport. It's not war.