Conspicuously Absent
Linguistically Confused
Yeah, I like playing paintball in the bush. I just climbed up a fucking tree and laid waste. Next round I hid in a rotting stump and pushed out a viewhole and fired out of that. Third round was a capture the flag (but the flag was a person and could run away). Hid behind a log and was firing at them, but Barry was on the other side of the log and I didn't know and I got shot from about 6 inches away in the top of the head, bled like a son of a bitch.
Then last round I hid under a pile of dead branches and laid waste to everyone.
Pros came out to play with their machinegun esque paintball guns (versus my shitty rental) and I had a few left so I played with them, capture the fort. I snuck up and got 3 of the 5 of them ebfore I got gunned down.
Then last round I hid under a pile of dead branches and laid waste to everyone.
Pros came out to play with their machinegun esque paintball guns (versus my shitty rental) and I had a few left so I played with them, capture the fort. I snuck up and got 3 of the 5 of them ebfore I got gunned down.