i'm gonna learn to play the drums.

The faster you play on the bass drum, the less of your leg you should use. When doing slower strokes, bring the power in from the middle of the leg, as you increase in speed, transfer more of the power downward towards the ankle and the foot. Eventually when you speed up enough you just essentially use your foot/toes.

Same principle applies for hand tecnique. When doing slower, harder strokes, your going to use more of your arm the hit the drum, as the hits increase, you move down. When I do blast beats, I essentially only use my two forefingers, my thumb, and a little bit of wrist.

I cannot stress basics enough, even if your just doing rolls on a snare and bass drum for 10-15 minutes a day it will help.
some advice:
if you ever gonna play with 2 pedals - you still gotta start with one, and only then add second one. starting to learn drumming with 2 pedals is a bad idea. as I've noticed you're gonna start with 1 pedal.
About leg - although its stronger - you dont have to use leg all the time, When you make not really agressive simple bassdrum stuff - use foot. If you need "bright" accent - use leg and put your feet on the whole pedal. If you need some speed stuff on bassdrum - set your foot down on the pedal, so the distance beween the ground and pedal will be smaller - and beats faster. Well, I bet you knew all that before. But I decided to write it in case if you didnt. Maybe it will help somehow...
~Neurotica said:
some advice:
if you ever gonna play with 2 pedals - you still gotta start with one, and only then add second one. starting to learn drumming with 2 pedals is a bad idea. as I've noticed you're gonna start with 1 pedal.
About leg - although its stronger - you dont have to use leg all the time, When you make not really agressive simple bassdrum stuff - use foot. If you need "bright" accent - use leg and put your feet on the whole pedal. If you need some speed stuff on bassdrum - set your foot down on the pedal, so the distance beween the ground and pedal will be smaller - and beats faster. Well, I bet you knew all that before. But I decided to write it in case if you didnt. Maybe it will help somehow...
cheers, yeah, i've pretty much gathered as much... but isn't it possible that my left leg will lag behind a lot in strength and speed when i do get a double pedal?

i guess maybe that's why i was recommended to switch it around a bit and use the kick pedal with my left foot sometimes
The recommendation is correct, the only way to strengthen a weak limb is to USE it. Take normal beats and grooves and use the LEFT foot instead of the right. This will not only develop the muscles in the left leg, it will also help greatly when you finally go to put the legs together with the double pedal. Also you can try to use your left leg on hi-hat pedal (while using the right leg on the bass drum) more often (like they do it in jazz). But first point is more effective actually.
especially as my hi-hat pedal (digital drumkit) does not have the same depth as a real one so it doesn't require much strength to push down
Yepp. So to switch it around would be the best. Also don't forget that left hand needs a lot of attention too. Train it all the time. For example this simple exercise - play some triples with 2 hits on left hand and 1 on right. Its very simple, but it trains your left hand. Like : LL-R. And play that thing 'jumping' it randomly all over the kit - on snare, alts, cymbals. Also paradiddles help a lot. Develop your hands and your coordination.
there is some fun stuff of him playing with a blues band on his website ... seems like a cool down to earth guy.
