Anyone in/know about the NYC area?


Inhuman nihilist
Jun 27, 2003
NH, a cultural wasteland
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I'm heading there in the fall for more schooling and will be in the midtown west area of manhatten... I was curious what there are for Metal Venues/Clubs and Music Stores in particular... also I'm going to be visiting the area for a day or two around July 8-13th area and was wondering what there were for area shows, i know of the At The Gates and Boris tours hitting NYC on the 9th and 10th
Make sure to check out Generation Records. It's near NYU.
Great store... I can always find extreme metal albums there though I haven't been there in awhile... anyways BB King's is only place worth going to see extreme metal bands... I saw Emperor there and alot of the bands people mention on this board have played there... some bands playing there from what i can see from the schedule are Suffocation, Obituary, Death Angel, etc.
Yeah, I found a sweet haul of extreme stuff there new and used for really cheap (and it's around the corner from a couple more used CD stores if you wanna do a really intense haul) and they also have shirts for $5...I gotta a pretty sweet Shadows Fall shirt there.