Anyone interested in doing some originals?


Old fart on this board
Apr 15, 2001
Fin fuggen land

I have gathered some riffs and little pieces of vocal melodies lately. I was sitting in the front of our sauna-cabin this afternoon and it occurred to me that why not make a little demo out of my little creations...

So far I have one song completed, and material (well, except for lyrics, that is) for at least two others. As it is quite hard, no, almost impossible to get anykind of line-up around here, even just for recording, I thought I'd ask if any of you guys would be interested in this.

The slots open would be for a drummer, a bassist and a guitarist. As the texts will be in Finnish, I think it's easier to get a Finn sing them... Although it would be interesting to hear how Jim or 7th could twist their tongues to Finnish... :lol: ;)

So if anyone is interested, speak up and if we get this going we'll discuss about the details.
Cool! I pretty much knew you'd be in, though... ;)

There's no rush with this really, I intend to have demos ready for the whole trilogy of songs before doing anything. And so far I've got about 1.5 demos completed...
I'd be interested in the other guitar slot Eddy, as long as I don't have to make up my own solo's I STILL haven't learnt my scales! :eek:

I can make solo's but it may take me a bit of time! ;) :p
EC: :D

Virus: Cool! There's no need for solos as the songs are very minimal and quite simple. I'm thinking of adding some little pieces of guitar melodies here and there but we'll see...

I now have all three song demos pretty much ready, only some little tweaking left to do and I've got to change the intro to one song...

I think I can put the demos available to you guys this week, maybe thursday or friday. If you have any filesharing programs, you can try and look for some songs by "Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus" to get a little idea of the style I'm aiming at...

Now, where's that Florida guy Maidenman, on the bloody beach? :p :lol:
Ho-hum... Surprisingly I was too busy to upload the demos last week... Got my driver's lisence on thursday and had to drive a "tourbus" on friday. Well, not exactly a bus but my Nissan Sunny ('90)....

Okay, I'll upload the two demos now and the third when I've redone the intro...

If someone is able and willing to write some lyrics that would be cool too. I can write shitty lyrics in Finnish and even worse in English so.....
'Allo again. Been busy with work lately so I haven't had the time to do anything else really... Besides, when I haven't been working, the weather has been too great for me to spend time in front of the computer... :p AND, I have my... Hmm, I think graduation would be quite close to the real term here... Anyway, I have some serious celebration to do next weekend as I got my school finished this spring...

Ho-humm... Oh yeah, I have reworked that one song I didn't upload yet. I'll track and upload it ASAP. Also, I think those two songs need some tweaking.. Bit too repetative in places, although that's what I was aiming for...

Virus: How about if we double tracked our guitars with regular tuning and one octave lower? That'd make it sound heavier and thick as a.. Well, very thick thing... :B Assuming It'd work out, of course...

EC: You have free hands with the basslines. I know the songs are too simplistic to have some slap-solos or what ever ;):p but if you have the time and interest I'd appreciate if you could get something a bit more versatile than just playing the same notes as guitar...
Eddy: You might have noticed that I'm finished now with The Clairvoyant, so I'll download your demos and get started right away. :cool: Thanks!

Virus: I haven't heard the demos yet, but I'll find a way to cut through the mix! I'll use the good 'ole "Slow Death Wah" or "Chainsaw through Pudding" settings if I have to! :devil: :lol: ;) :headbang:

Long time no see, eh? :D

Yep Virus, finished school ages ago and with better grades than I expected. Excellent! :D

Hmmm... Well, to cut the chase, I haven't had the time to do anything music or computer related for the last month really. Been busy with work. Well, I managed to get together a group of guys and organize two jam sessions last weekend. Boy, was that fun! :D Now I'm enjoying the last days of my civilian life as my military service begins next monday... I even cut my hair last week! :eek: Actually, that wasn't too hard decision, at least according to the survey I conducted among the ladies last friday... :p :lol:

I think I'll draw myself a little to the background here, as I really don't know when I have the time to devote for recording. BUT, of course I'll be here every now and then nagging about every little thing etc etc. :lol:

Hmmm... Do we have any drummers around? Or have they Gone With The Wind?

If we can find one, Virus can do both guitars, if no one else wants the other slot. EC can get his "Chainsaw through pudding" :lol: settings ready for action.

I'll think about the vocals and try to decide what to do with them.

I think it's enough workload for us (<- read:"you" :p) to get these two songs done first. We'll see how things go after that.

I think that's all for now... I'll wander around a bit now, and most probably will check back again next weekend. :)
Hi mate! :)

Glad to hear your grades were good! :headbang: :D How long are you in the military for?

What other survey's did you conduct with the ladies last Friday? That's what I want to know!
;) :p

No problem on the geetars, I'll try out the octave tuning you suggested :)

Take care mate, don't be a stranger! :)
Originally posted by Virus
Hi mate! :)

Glad to hear your grades were good! :headbang: :D How long are you in the military for?

What other survey's did you conduct with the ladies last Friday? That's what I want to know!
;) :p

No problem on the geetars, I'll try out the octave tuning you suggested :)

Take care mate, don't be a stranger! :)

Ummm, I don't know how long I will stay in the greys yet. The options are 6, 9 and 12 months but that depends on what they'll make of me. I hope I can get away with 6 months.

Hmmm, the surveys... :lol: That's for me to know and you to find out! :lol: :D

Well, I hope you get something done while I'm away. Don't know when I can get back yet, could be two weeks, could be more or less. Anyway, have fun, take care and keep up the good work guys! :)