anyone into wellplayed thrash metal should check this out

No wonder you had that many visitors, with all the spam you've been spreading around here....

Anyways, I liked the unparallel song more than the others
Spam dosen't get 2300 alone if it was that easy to get peoples attention we would be rockstars by now.Are you in a band yourself? Then you will know how difficult it is to get just a little recognition.Thanks for the compliment on Unparalleled that's my favorite too,come back to your'e site in a couple of weeks for another ful length song.
Sorry for being an ass in my previous post, but I think exposing a band in forums of other bands is a sort of disrespect and "SPAM". I know that these days labels are only interested in bands that create interest in the underground and the likes and that they don't have time to listen to the shitpile of tapes they receive...Anyways man, I didn't dislike the songs at all, noticed solid musiciansip but thrash is not my type of sound, although arch enemy (as you compared them on other boards around here) is pretty much the type of sound I like these days. Answering your question, I play in 2 bands (prog rock and black metal - in this last one I'm just a fillup til another guitarrist is found, because I don't like the genre much) and I have a few ways in mind to promote my band when we do record anything. I noticed your signature is empty, you should add a simple description of your band to your signature and place a link as well, just so you'll have your bands short-info on the bottom of all your posts and you ain't disrespecting the bands that way!

Good luck and I'm looking forward to hear the upcomming full length!
I like your sound a lot...definitely some kick ass riffs in there as well. I'm a huge Thrash fan so this is right up my alley. Not crazy about the vox, but that's just my opinion.

cool songs i actually liked why more the unparalelled and i'm downloading defcon as i'm writing this
you have some kick ass solos by the way i can see your lead is a serius shreding machine
You guys are fucking amazing. I love the solos. GET FUCKING SIGNED.