anyone into wellplayed thrash metal should check this out

We have been contacted by a lot of people who wants to buy the CD, but since we only have a few copys left for promotional purposes it's not possible for us to sell you guys any CDs at the moment, unless we decide to print at least 200 CDs. Before we do this, we'll have to know how many people are interested in buying the CD. The price will be € 5,5 Euro including postage. If you are interested please sign up your email-adress on the frontpage.
Sounds awesome man, checked out Defcon5.

If you like you can check us out, a UK based old school styled Thrash metal band called Evile.

Free download in the Media section
Halfway through Unparalleled... Awesome. I definitely would love to own this one. Can't say I care for the chorus or band name too much though.
Awesome stuff here man. Props. You guys have a really awesome tone and great sound. Really good songs. But i would like to hear a more deathy vocals. Maybe its just my preference, but i think it would sound a bit better (no offense or anything). And your lead man is pretty intense at shredding. It would be pretty difficult to keep up with him.

Good stuff.