Anyone intrested to mixing my instrumental guitar?

can you post a reference mp3 for us to listen to without having to wait for a mediafire link? Try or and posting that link here. You will probably get a lot more people actually taking a listen to it instead of taking the time to download it from another site. Just eliminate a step and make it easier. Thx
Oh, and is great too. It automatically imports the player right into your post. :)

I just listened to your song man. Definitely post it. I'll have a go trying to mix it for ya. Are the guitar tracks DI's? Or did you record them directly from a POD or mic'ing an amp or anything? Some of the guitar parts (especially the intro) sound out of tune, but I'm sure someone here can run it through melodyne or something if you beg and ask nicely enough.

I'm sure if you post it you might have a few people try this.