Anyone know how to sabatoge a drumset?


New Metal Member
May 3, 2009
I think my drummer deserves a little payback.
So, here's the story. My drummer has a very annoying tenancy of "making plans" and not showing up to our weekly scheduled band rehearsals, which are usually because he'd rather spend time with his girlfriend rather than his kit :Smug:. This This little reoccurring habit he's formed can get really frustrating, especially since it's typical for him to tell us via text or something, once we've all got ourselves situated and ready to start. The last time he decided to miss out, the fuckery commenced with the simple goal of teaching our absent drummer a little lesson in the importance of showing up to practice, ala messing with his tom setup as shown in exhibit A:


I could only imagine the look on face the next time we head up to the studio, since I wasn't there to witness him see our destruction, but as the story goes from my bandmates, he went to go vent in the bathroom for a good while since he got pretty pissed. Then he decided to get back at me by working up a sweat during practice, and spreading his sweaty duck butter (the buildup of sweat and body fluid that builds up around the crotch region) ALL over my guitar and strings, but didnt tell me until afterwards, for comedic effect....:puke:
Not only that, he dimed all the knobs on my Mark V and set the GEQ sliders all the way up, and for all of you in club Mesa that spend quality time with your amps trying to find a decent tone... You know how I'd feel if someone just decided to recklessly mess with your config after all that.

This action must be justified.:heh:

Although I don't have the heart to do anything like, "rub my nutsack all over his kit" I'm planning on doing something more on the sneaky side of it. My plan is to put random objects inside of his toms, by actually taking off his heads. And maybe leaving him a nice message on his heads via sharpie before putting them back on. That way, he has shit bouncing around in every tom next time he plays, and has to take the time togo through all that, just to have his kit back to normal. :lol:

I'm open to any suggestions, let the fuckery begin.

PS: Mickey, if you read this, dont even think about telling Eliot.:lol:
By putting shit in his toms, I'm basically fucking with the tuning in the process. :lol:
I cant kick him out, hes a good musician... he's just a dumbass sometimes.
Why don't you put dog shit inside one of his toms. He has white heads so he wont notice for a while. Make it a nice wet one.

Revenge is best served disgusting. Nobody fucks with my guitars and gets away with it.
Adjust the tension down on his kick pedals so they have no bounce. Unless he likes them that way, in which case, tighten them all the way up.
Pack his drums up and leave them in a big vertical stack at the door, and tell him he better start taking the band seriously and keeping his fuckin hands off your shit or he's gone.

Leaving dick prints all over his heads AND drumsticks would be on my list though.
Here's an idea: try "talking to him"

Express your concerns about his absence from band rehearsals face to face rather than messing with his property.

If you want your band to continue, do you seriously think getting back at each other like 4 year olds is a good idea? Communicate!
Btw, that picture reminds me of how that expert village guy had his drums set up. :lol:

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If you want your band to continue, do you seriously think getting back at each other like 4 year olds is a good idea? Communicate!

We're the type of close-knit friends to not get our emotions in the way of our trickery. He's my brother, but he deserves this for messing with my babies. :p

And in the end, it's bound that we'll both get a good laugh, and he'll know not to miss practice... fucker.
Poo in the kick drum.

There's something about body fluids I'm not fond of when it comes to stuff like that. I'd much rather do stuff to his drums that'll get him really frustrated. I'm thinking spraying mustard and ketchup and other nasty stuff inside of his toms, so it reeks and is untuned. I'm definately not pooping in our tiny little jam space. :lol:
Nice fucking band you've got there. Why don't you crack his cymbals and push a knife through the drumheads.

I wouldn't spend a day in a band if it would be like that.