Anyone know the entire Billy Milano/Warrel Dane incident?

Well, I heard that Billy was getting up on WD's girlfriend and Warrel went and lipped off to him and Billy punched him in the face. Warrel went to the hospital and Billy went to jail. It was just two hits, Billy hittin Warrel and Warrel hittin the ground.
Since this happened a couple of years ago, I've often wondered if WD got his nose pierced to hold it together!!! lol
I heard it was Jim who fucked Billy's gf, & had tried to apologise, but Billy was having none of it. Apparently, WD couldn't let the opportunity pass him by, & was making some comments, so Billy decked him. (It was a big joke that Billy's gf fucked anybody & everybody who would come through NY/Jersey on tour. :lol: ) I wasn't there, but heard that from someone who was. No idea if it's true, or what's true, but, hey! It sure is fun to speculate!


Check out the blood on his knuckle hahahahahahahahah

Hey how do you post pics on here
Guerrilla doesn't like Angela
Where is a picture of your girlfriend you promised us?
did you run out of pictures of your hand?
No, I actually took a really good picture of my girlfriend/hand last night when she was all dressed up and ready to go out on a date. Unfortunately, I lost the disk I saved it on so sorry no pics of my girlfriend/hand for a while. As far as Angela, she's ok I guess but in that particular pic I feel like I'm looking at my dog.
I heard it had something to do with VAN. ANd i heard VAN and WD went in for the big fight, and WD got his can kicked, and Van watched hahaha.
I also heard it had something to do with Bills gal friend being Jims ex girl friend. ANd Van and WD went in and WD got all mouthy calling her names and shit, and then got his face mashed up, while Van watched.

I read in BWBK that Bill was sorry for what he did, but he said he was apologizing to teh FANS, not WD. He said it was a shame that NEVERMORE had to cancel a show, and he was sorry for bringing that on the fans. He was real nice and shit in the interview thing.
:yell: SHUT THE FUCK UP :yell:

What the fuck is wrong with you people?
It really makes me SICK, that in these speculations EVERY single bandmember has been accused of something we don't know hell about! Just let it rest, doesn't anybody of you realise that you are hurting people with this? And i'm not talking about the fans here, but about the members themselves AND their personal life, their wifes, or girlfriends...
I assume they read this board too because i know they did read the old forum. This is really making me sick! It's non of our business, stay out of it!!!
Stop speculating and show some respect!


" A matter of fact, doesn't know it's value"
Yeah you bunch of gosiping hens

Don't turn this into the "As the OPETH turns" board
ha ha... i remember this.

WD man, if you're gunna pick on someone, rag their girlfriend... at least do it to someone who's NOT as big as a freakin' OX.

Jesus dude. :lol:
well, it was in all the mags, and WD and Bill got it on in public,,,IMO, it is our buis.

Hell, ive had my ass kicked more than once, its no shame, no hurt, other than the fuckin beating hahahaha.

but really, i see nothing at all wrong with discussing this.