Anyone know this godly band?

Meh, the drums annoy me. I wish that guy would have some taste when coming up with beats instead of trying to double-bass the hell out every second of every song. There's some good riffs on Day Into Night and some crummy ones too. Decent band but nothing I would worship. If you want a good Canadian band go listen to some Martyr, no fucking joke.
Repetition. But he's new.

Sorry, that's no excuse. You may have creamed your pants hearing them, but if you took a look around, you'd have seen that, yes...many here DO indeed listen to Quo Vadis. However, for sanity's sake, okay...keep searching. You'll find that there are better bands out there. Good, but not worship-worthy.
Christie_fell said:
Repetition. But he's new.

Sorry, that's no excuse. You may have creamed your pants hearing them, but if you took a look around, you'd have seen that, yes...many here DO indeed listen to Quo Vadis. However, for sanity's sake, okay...keep searching. You'll find that there are better bands out there. Good, but not worship-worthy.

there are always better bands out there. fortunately everyone has a different idea of what those bands are. people can decide for themselves.
oh crap I forgot to mention dream... Listen to dream its on day into night... If you don't know wich songs to download
1-on the shores of ithaka
2-mute requiem
3-legions of the betrayed
5-the day the universe changed

you'll be good with that.. aight im gonna check out martyr
So what are the vocals like? Mostly clear, incoherent grumbles, incoherent screams, or powerful as hell (along the lines of napalm death)? Either way, I'd like to look into it...