Anyone Like Some Sodom?


May 26, 2010
Thrash is my life the best thing ever. This is amazing [ame][/ame]

and btw i hate the new exodus album just putting it out there:]
As shameful as can be I do like old Sodom (like is a strong word, but I don't know another in English), from "In The Sign Of Evil" to "Agent Orange", reminds me of a bad played Venom :lol:
As shameful as can be I do like old Sodom (like is a strong word, but I don't know another in English), from "In The Sign Of Evil" to "Agent Orange", reminds me of a bad played Venom :lol:

Infidel!!! :Shedevil::heh:

Maybe not as brlliant as Kreator in their highlights but Sodom is a very good band in my opinion. "Persecution mania" and "Agent orange" are epitomes in german thrash metal (however, I consider "Obssessed by cruelty" quite bad, in particular because of the "sound").

One of the best things around Sodom is that, for me, they have been releasing always quality stuff after the 80´s. In albums like "Tapping the vein" (a personal favourite), "Code red" or "M-16" you got what you deserved.

Every time I saw them live I thought I missed something. They´re OK but not superb. A little annoying performance with so many stops between songs.
I just got done actually sitting down and listening to their whole discog, and for the most part, they are fairly solid. Bad production or not, In the Sign of Evil and Obsessed by Cruelty provides some really good music.
I just don't see the "Black Metal" part of their music, seeing has how they literally only played anything that sounded like Black Metal on the first couple of releases (here and there it sounds like), then after that, it's just been general Thrash Metal. After hearing their discog, even their weaker albums have a few nice songs in them (very few in the case of Masquerade in Blood). The Final Sign of Evil though....... :zzz:
I like almost all Sodom albums. The ones I have at least! :) My favorite is Agent Orange.
I have Agent Orange, In The Sign Of Evil, Tapping The Vein, Better off Dead, Masquerade In Blood, Code Red and M-16. Anyway love Sodom, fucking love them
Sodom blew me away in the 80's with all their early releases & are still kicking my ass in 2010. Obssessed by Cruelty was never given enough credit though, fuckin crazy riffage that needs to be heard on vinyl in its original form as oppossed to the CD release which is a different recording.
As time passed through I found I can't stand "In The Sign Of Evil" and "Obsessed by Cruelty", but I can dig "Persecution Mania" and "Agent Orange".