Just some Bands


Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
Heres some Bands that have rocked my world lately :)

Edguy,if Their new mini album King of Fools is any indication Hellfire club is gonna be an Excellent album!!!
Exodus, Their new album has Ripped my face off!!!!!!
Rhapsody, Awsome Operatic Power Metal
Pyuria,A friend of mines old band from Finland
Enerchy,Same friends Current band
Seven Witches,Love this Band!
Sodom,German Thrash :)
Santuary,They killed before they were Nevermore!!!!

My puters about to die But yeah this is it for now :p
JonnyD said:
Edguy,if Their new mini album King of Fools is any indication Hellfire club is gonna be an Excellent album!!!
Exodus, Their new album has Ripped my face off!!!!!!
Rhapsody, Awsome Operatic Power Metal
Seven Witches,Love this Band!

My puters about to die But yeah this is it for now :p

I'm into thses bands also. The Seven Witches albums are killer!!! I think their newest one is the best so far, has James Rivera from Helstar on vocals. They should have a new one out soon.
Greeno said:
I'm into thses bands also. The Seven Witches albums are killer!!! I think their newest one is the best so far, has James Rivera from Helstar on vocals. They should have a new one out soon.

I have 3 cds burned of theirs Xiled to Infinity and one,The new one you mentioned Which I cant remember the name of :p,and stronger than heaven I almost shit myself when I realized they were covering a Fleetwood mac song on that last one.... I really think they are all great lol fucking awsome band!!! :rock:
The new one is Passage To The Other Side..... if I remember right. I dig Jack Frost. Did you ever hear Metalium? He was on their first 1 or 2 discs, great power metal!!!!
Greeno said:
The new one is Passage To The Other Side..... if I remember right. I dig Jack Frost. Did you ever hear Metalium? He was on their first 1 or 2 discs, great power metal!!!!

Thats it dude... Jack Frost is great It would have been interesting to see what he could have brought to Savatage, I have also Heard him on the Bronx Casket Co. cd I have good shit but nope I havent heard Metalium I have meant to for years But I just havnt yet :p
Greeno said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

You got to admit, this guy writes some great reviews. :lol:

Oh yeah dude it takes real talent to write such a powerful Review,I mean When ya really look at it it goes WAY beyond just being a simple review do I hear *New Testament* the new book of christ possibly or maybe just a kool aid cult :p whatever it may be I look forward to more of what should be award winning work :rock: :loco: :loco: :p :grin: :tickled:
I have an mp3/cd player in my truck and the only two discs that have been in it for the last couple of months are my Zakk Wylde and Opeth discs. It's great having every album on just one cd.
Edgay are way gay.
Rhapsody is so cheese, they are more gay.
Dream Theatre is tha gayest ever.
More gay than Hammerfall.

Although, I've heard 2 of the new In Flames songs and all the purists
hate them but I like them.
go figure.
here is a review that a univercity proffesor would like to write
edgay are UBER GAY
and rhapsody reign supreme in the cheese garden
dont think that someone has to hyper-analyze his opinion about something , he just has to makes his point .
JOHHNY muthaphucin' D! Hey, I gotta tell ya...the first EDGUY cd I see I'm grabbing it up if I've got the dough. You have got me sold on them. I have only seen one of their discs at a local store and I didn't have the bread...but when I go back I'm picking it up. As I recall you said they are "power metal" and that's right up my alley. The SWINE sent me some Symphony X and Hammerfall a while back and I loooooove those albums, so if Edguy is in that vein I'm sold! HAIL YAYUS! (that's kentucky for hell yeah)
tedvanfrehley said:
As I recall you said they are "power metal" and that's right up my alley.

Ted, have you heard Twisted Tower Dire? If you like power metal you will like them, great Hammerfall kinda stuff. They are local boys from my neck of the woods but they are on a German label called Remedy. They even played at Wacken last year. You should email me you address and I could send you some burns of their stuff..... and some other great power metal stuff.
tedvanfrehley said:
JOHHNY muthaphucin' D! Hey, I gotta tell ya...the first EDGUY cd I see I'm grabbing it up if I've got the dough. You have got me sold on them. I have only seen one of their discs at a local store and I didn't have the bread...but when I go back I'm picking it up. As I recall you said they are "power metal" and that's right up my alley. The SWINE sent me some Symphony X and Hammerfall a while back and I loooooove those albums, so if Edguy is in that vein I'm sold! HAIL YAYUS! (that's kentucky for hell yeah)

:-) Get King of fools(its only 5 bucks), Mandrake, or The Savage Poetry to start with you will love em ted I am positive :)
IOfTheStorm said:
here is a review that a univercity proffesor would like to write
edgay are UBER GAY
and rhapsody reign supreme in the cheese garden
dont think that someone has to hyper-analyze his opinion about something , he just has to makes his point .

Write it again I'm just not feeling it .... what are you trying to say here?
OfficerNice said:
Edgay are way gay.
Rhapsody is so cheese, they are more gay.
Dream Theatre is tha gayest ever.
More gay than Hammerfall.

hah somehow I didnt expect that from you .... from other posts I have read of your you seemed to be a lil more grown up than some of these kids
IOfTheStorm said:
here is a review that a univercity proffesor would like to write
edgay are UBER GAY
and rhapsody reign supreme in the cheese garden
dont think that someone has to hyper-analyze his opinion about something , he just has to makes his point .

That's uber.
I saw Edguy live twice on the Mandrake tour, wasn't a big fan of them really but they did an AWESOME show! One of the tightest and most fun live bands around easily! Also their Mandrake album has some of the best power metal around (title track, Painting on The Wall, Pharaoh, etc.), so does the 2000 version of Savage Poetry.