Anyone listened to DragonForce's Ultra Beatdown yet????

I have read the forum stuff on this band for a long time now. This band was brought up as a hopefull to play progpower off and on when Sonic Firestorm came out. Then they got a huge break ended up on roadrunner, playing Ozz Fest. put on guitar hero ect. Then all the sudden they suck, they are boring, the music is all the same blah, blah, blah. Like them or not Dragonforce forged forward and did what no power metal band has done for a long time they hit the U.S. mainstream. They hit the stage with high pitched vocals and blazzing giutar work and got the job done. I say good for them.
oh fuck me. demonoid again?

few tracks in, wow the choruses have a really emo-vibe to it. Dont really care for that at all, especially on Spent Years in Regret. The first tune, not the intro, has a Dethklok melody in it, the song that was in Guitar Hero, I think :lol:

Not really all that happy so far. His voice is sorta reminiscent of 3 inches of blood singer more, with those yelps, meh so far. Lets see if the rest is any good.
diagnosis terminal is the best song so far on the new Into Eternity disc. Not as good as the last one, but I think it will grow on me with time. I'm still mainly waiting for the new full length Bloodbath.
whats there to wait for? it's all crap. Maybe I should start getting all these stoner/doom releases praised in RC because everything is subpar :mad:
Like them or not Dragonforce forged forward and did what no power metal band has done for a long time they hit the U.S. mainstream. They hit the stage with high pitched vocals and blazzing giutar work and got the job done. I say good for them.

As I've said a lot about DragonForce's popularity, and other metally things we're seeing gaining national notoriety, like the Dethklok/Metalocalypse cartoon and tour, and (when you think about it) Guitar Hero/Rock Band in general.....

"A rising tide lifts all boats."

If metal and hard rock starts creeping back into the US mainstream, it can only benefit the bands we all know and love. Sure, a lot of other newcomers might suddenly be liking the music we've known and loved for years....but so what?
We can always say that we were there first. :lol: :headbang:
I have read the forum stuff on this band for a long time now. This band was brought up as a hopefull to play progpower off and on when Sonic Firestorm came out. Then they got a huge break ended up on roadrunner, playing Ozz Fest. put on guitar hero ect. Then all the sudden they suck, they are boring, the music is all the same blah, blah, blah. Like them or not Dragonforce forged forward and did what no power metal band has done for a long time they hit the U.S. mainstream. They hit the stage with high pitched vocals and blazzing giutar work and got the job done. I say good for them.

No not all of a sudden. I didnt care for the band when they were making waves on under the name "Dragonheart".

I always see posts that assume we dont like them just because of popularity. Their popularity doesnt make them boring and repetitive. The music does.
I have read the forum stuff on this band for a long time now. This band was brought up as a hopefull to play progpower off and on when Sonic Firestorm came out. Then they got a huge break ended up on roadrunner, playing Ozz Fest. put on guitar hero ect. Then all the sudden they suck, they are boring, the music is all the same blah, blah, blah. Like them or not Dragonforce forged forward and did what no power metal band has done for a long time they hit the U.S. mainstream. They hit the stage with high pitched vocals and blazzing giutar work and got the job done. I say good for them.

Nah, they were just at the right place at the right time. Edguy should've been the one to break into the US mainstream, not these clowns. :rolleyes:

fuck that man. these guys earned anything they get. They toured their ass off for the last 3 years, almost more than Into eternity. Edguy had what, 2 tours in 3 years? Dont worry anyways, ill bet edguy will change their sound to get where DF got, atleast DF stayed true to what they are.
Edguy doesn't have a niche, unfortunately. Dragonforce is something the mainstream listeners have never heard. There was nothing in the 80s that sounded like that. It's absolutely insane to the first time listener, especially one who doesn't already listen to power metal. Dragonforce may be repetitive and never change their sound, but that sound is different from anything else out there.

Edguy, although they are one of my favorite bands, isn't really bringing anything fresh to the table other than attitude. and lately the Edguy sound has gone even further into 80s-land. Avantasia is probably more likely to break in the US.

As for why people hate on Dragonforce here, it's not so much because of their popularity I'd bet, it's because they are on their 4th album with no real progression in sound other than that they are probably even faster and heavier now. When Sonic Firestorm was out, they were popular on these boards because it was only the second album and if not different from Valley of the Damned, was an improvement in songwriting and production. Inhuman Rampage came out and it wasn't really any better than the last one, and now we have Ultra Beatdown which is also about just as good.

Still, I think there's a prejudice especially among the prog snobs towards bands that play fast. If Dragonforce slowed down and threw in a gratuitous time change or two(a la Sonata Arctica on Unia), a lot of people here would be hailing how they'd matured.
Dragonforce may be repetitive and never change their sound, but that sound is different from anything else out there.


Edguy, although they are one of my favorite bands, isn't really bringing anything fresh to the table other than attitude. and lately the Edguy sound has gone even further into 80s-land.

Edguy hasn't really done anything since Theater of Salvation...Rocket Ride was just...well...stupid.

Still, I think there's a prejudice especially among the prog snobs towards bands that play fast.

l'm a definite prog snob & l like what they's different than all the copy cat power metal bands floating around...l like different. l think the truth why people want to dump on them is more along the lines of "I didn't discover them before they became widely popular with the mall crowd so they're crap".
Sonata Arctica comes pretty damn close (or did until Unia).

Eh, they both play superfast, but Sonata also has a unique approach to songwriting that seperates them from the power metal pack.

Dragonforce is just doing what has to be done every few years: see just how fast and heavy you can go while still having a coherent, catchy song. I figure 10 years from now someone will push the envelope and play even faster than Dragonforce just to show it can be done.

I remember when I first heard Episode by Stratovarius I thought the same thing. Amazing how the music can be so fast yet still have good melodies. Some bands played that fast in the 80s but it was more pure aggression. They weren't even trying to be catchy. Except for Helloween, i guess, but I didn't find out about Helloween until after I'd discovered Stratovarius.