Anyone need a web page dsigned/built?

Ha ya can do it for my band if ya want we will be launching our demo in the new year hopefully might be nice to have a website we have just been using myspace all the time.
i have work.
But lost some jobs because "sorry, but we have a myspace page now and is free, we dont need a webpage" got me?
LOL Audiophile used to work for MySpace - not only is he out of a job there, the company he used to work for has destroyed his chances of being a developer outside of it. :lol:

Why would being an ex-myspace employee be a kiss of death?
Oh oh oh, I thought you were implying that no one would want to hire an ex-myspace employee, like it was grounds for blacklisting in the biz or something
Actually... if anything I've gotten more callbacks about jobs because of the "" part of my resume.

As far as designing sites goes, if anyone wants to discuss their site with me, go ahead and PM me... seeing that I completely forgot about this thread (posted while half asleep)...
Dudes, just as a piece of advice from my experience.. As a designer myself I never make money working for bands or artists... As an artist myself I aways let go from me and almost always I never charged a band. I always said, bro you need money for promotion/gear/recodings/beer/etc..
I decided to work exclusively for my band but I still take time to complete some of my friends bands graphics or anything related.

But here's the advice: there'll be always business companies that need graphics/webdesign. There is all the money. The good news is that there is no a Myspace thing for companies into regular business so, no worries. And the bigger the company is the bigger your fee it should be.. You need money for promotion/gear/recodings/beer/etc right?:heh: That's the direction you should look. That I did I can tell you.
Oh, that and , the real source for paid work on projects.