Anyone play xmugen on their xbox?


Members Only Member
Apr 1, 2008
Osceola Mills, PA
Its for modded xbox1's. I tried a couple years to get it to work , but couldnt. Tried again the past few days, and got it working!!! It so awesome. Basically its allll sorts of characters assembled into ONE 2d fighting game.

heres a video some dude made of his setup.
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That looks pretty awesome, but I don't think I know a single person who still owns a first gen xbox.
I´m yet to see a good release of Mugen. They all have thousands of crappy maded poor sprite moded unbalanced characters. It would be pretty cool if they made a decent build of Mortal Kombat characters with Street Fighter gameplay... Anyway, you can play fighting games online with friends on PC emulators using Kaillera. I´m pretty sure that the guy who invented Kaillera is one of the minds behind Reaper.
I still have an Xbox that gets played frequently at my band's rehearsal room... :lol: Halo 2 mostly. It's gotten pretty old by now.

The Xbox isn't modded though, and I somehow feel that game is more quantity, less quality... Probably not worth trying to mod the old Xbox for that.