Anyone recommend a good portable MP3 Player?


M is for MAUD
I have been searching and reading reviews for a while. Just bought a Gateway DMP-X20 with 20gb hard drive. $199 at BestBuy. I just have been reading lots of bad reviews on it so I'm iffy.... Anyone out there have one or recommend one?
Well Mike or Xenophobe, is getting a Zen Xtra when they hit 120gigs
But, i say, that's too much space for a portable MP3 player, even though he has over 120.. All i need is like 5-10gig.. Ipod Mini..depends how much music you have.
So i guess 20 is all you need right?
Meh, all i need is 5...

Also your Iriver has the most battery life as well
the Ipod goes up to 12 hours max, the Zen Xtra 14, and yours 16 hours :)
iPods are fashion accessories anyway :) I too am holding out until there are bigger sizes available. The whole reason I want one is so that I can haul my entire music collection around with me, and I already have more than 40gb. I could do with about 80gb or 100gb I think.