Anyone remember a band called LETHAL?

Programmed is touted as one of the great Queensryche-clone CDs, although when I'm looking for that, I reach for Siam's Prayer.

I actually like Lethal's second CD, Poison Seed, quite a bit better, but the purists felt it had too much of a "modern" edge.
I actually like Lethal's second CD, Poison Seed, quite a bit better, but the purists felt it had too much of a "modern" edge.

That's surprising considering most LETHAL fans hated "Poisen Seed", calling it a slightly grunge influence. I didn't care for Poisen Seed much in 1997, but based on your comments, I'll dig it out and listen to it again.
Their EP 'Your Favorite God' had a few cool tracks too.

Yep, love the bonus track "Balancing Act."

"Programmed" was actually one of my favorite CDs of that era. I lost track of the band, though, and picked up "Poison Seed" many years later. When I first put the CD in my player, I thought someone had put the wrong CD in the case!! I had to pull out the booklet and look at the bandmembers names to make sure it was the same band!

After finally tracking down "Your Favorite God", I could see the progression through the 3 releases. "Poison Seed" did grow on me over time, but it doesn't come close to "Programmed", IMO.
Back when I did a DT fanzine (fifteen years ago or so?), I used to get CDs from record labels, one of which was Lethal's Poison Seed. I still have several tracks on regular play. Good shit.
They played an awesome set at one of the Powermad shows, I believe it got cut short if I remember. I remember after the show running up to Malicoat(sp) with Glenn, Larry D and the gang and he looked scared to death, I dont think he was ready for the response that he got. I would love to hear some new material.

I remember after the show running up to Malicoat(sp) with Glenn, Larry D and the gang and he looked scared to death, I dont think he was ready for the response that he got.


Hey BD, "He" meaning vocalist Tom Malicoat, right? What kind of response did he get and why were they cut short? Was anyone angry? Did the crowd want them to keep playing? What exactly happened? Just curious... thanks.

Hey BD, "He" meaning vocalist Tom Malicoat, right? What kind of response did he get and why were they cut short? Was anyone angry? Did the crowd want them to keep playing? What exactly happened? Just curious... thanks.


***The set got cut short because it was the end of the night, and there was a curfew at the old Powermad venue. The Lethal die-hards, as mentioned, pretty much harassed Tom Malicoat the entire time he was there, with me telling him he was pretty much my god of worship (ask Ken golden to tell this funny story). The Lethal set was amazing. I couldn't believe this was Lethal I was seeing. One of the best shows ever at Powermad. After their set - with the hormones still kickin in - Big Daddy, me, Glenn, Todd, Troy and a few others here cornered Tom for pictures, and he looked absolutely frightened during the moment. Try to imagine Big Daddy keeping Tom at bay while the rest of pose for pictures with our vocal god. It was pretty funny at the time. I still have the pictures - I should post them here.
...I still have the pictures - I should post them here.

I would love to see those pics, especially after hearing the story. Great story BTW. If it's easier you can email them to Thanks.

I've been listening to LEATHAL since 1986, (when they released their fist EP), and I must agree that Malicoat is a rediculous vocalist. Just awesome.
haha... at Powerfest, Tom Mallicoat was walking from room to room at the Super 8, engaging in impromptu accoustic duets with random people. :)