Anyone saw Opeth concert videos? They RULE!!!


And the journey begins...
May 19, 2002
Istanbul, Turkey
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I have Drapery Falls, Demon Of The Fall and Forest Of October. They are simply great. Two cameras and brilliant sound quallity. Mike goes wild and oh man, i can' t stop watching those over and over again! You must see those for yourselves if you didn' t see them live before. Anyone here have those?

A Turkish guy called Emre Topuzoglu' s site and he made some cool Flash things on the videos but im not sure that the site is working right now. I have 3 videos and they are from USA tour and they are .asf and .asx and more than 130 megs. I don' t know about your site "veil" but i' m dl'ing right now.

Tabi oðlum hemen girdim avatar olayýna :) bu arada "goddammit" diye baþlayýp "harbi oðlum" a dönen cümlen edebi yönden bi baþyapýt.) :)
Originally posted by DeadBaytar
I have Drapery Falls, Demon Of The Fall and Forest Of October. They are simply great. Two cameras and brilliant sound quallity. Mike goes wild and oh man, i can' t stop watching those over and over again! You must see those for yourselves if you didn' t see them live before. Anyone here have those?
I have 'em and they are great, wonderful documents, you though should really get those video's (full gigs and a lot of audio too!) from cause they're possibly even better!
I wonder if anyone got any of the recent euro gigs. I'd like to see credence/when/bleak.
i got two whole opeth videos from a friend of is from their us tour..detroid i think.
one is with old lineup(i don`t remember where the gig was). pretty good quality in both.
awesome stuff!!! (even playing is little messy in some points)
yeah those videos are great, from good old bootlegmania, i can't believe you all haven't got them (from that Nevermore tour thingy right) i mean they've been linked to about a million times... currently downloading the Opeth gig i went to in London, it takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes for each song but its worth it...
I like how Mike sings high on Bleak and Credence live. Hope he sticks some of that in the next albums.
Originally posted by Hearse
Gig from london? You mean video, or just audio? Cause I haven't seen any London video.

its just the audio BUT i know for sure that theres videos, i havent seen any on the net but when i was there i saw at least 3 people with cameras filming it. this cd brings back memories (and its better than the Live in Paris of the same tour bootleg) its also better as i can make out my voice screaming for 'more' (i know its my voice as when i shouted it everyone for some reason went of those moments...)