Anyone seen the Iced Earth/Final Fantasy 9 video?


Hell Bent For Leather!
Feb 23, 2002
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Hi guys ^_^ you guys dig Final Fantasy, don't you? Course you do :p anyone seen the video with all the FF9 FMVs with Dark Saga playing over the top? It's a really well done vid and the footage and song fit each other perfectly. Well worth a shuftis!
I have the pleasure of owning it. One of the best homemade music videos I have seen. Awesome stuff.
ClarifyAmbiguity said:
I downloaded it once, and turned it off as soon as I saw it was just the song dubbed over videogame footage...maybe I should give it a try.

Well, brother, hat's the case with all of 'em, isnt it? The only other one I downloaded was a 10-minute Stratovarius song with FMVs from FF6, 7, 8 & 9, where they were plastered randomly in order.....with the Dark Saga/FF9, the lyrics and music fit he FMV perfectly - the mood suits it very well! I thoroughly recommend you give it a try! :D

Having said that, I was quite irate to recently find both videos have been deleted from my comp :mad: means I gotta do 'em all over again! :mad:
I own every FF game. The Dark Saga one is great. Music and lyrics fit perfectly. There are also ones by Disturbed, Linkin Park, Stratovarius, one with a Carmina Burana mix, and alot more if ya look on Kazaa. is a good source for these vids.
Final Fantasy 9 was easily my least favourite of the recent games, but this video is perfectly done. Everything just fits together so seemlessly. :cool:

Oh, and by the way, the 'My Own Savior' clip is from the animè Berserk.
D/Ling the video now, I've only ever played FFVII and VIII properly. I've played crappy emulator versions of the ones before that but none after VIII.
Gotta give it to them the music in the games is excellent and always fits the moods.