Anyone seen the Metal Crusader Tour, yet?


Oct 16, 2005
Colorado, USA
Just got back last night, it was dissapointing AND awesome at the sametime.

Dissapointing because I really wanted to see Graveworm as I've heard great things, but it was their night off, I suppose.

Bands that I did see:

Speed.Kill.Hate. - Not bad. They weren't GREAT, but they weren't terrible either.

Destruction - Holy crap, these guys were effing awesome. They put on an unbelievable show, it was totally phenominal. :headbang:

Kataklysm - Great as well, right on the level with Destruction

Vader - Not bad, I think Destruction and Kataklysm really topped Vader though. They're were still pretty damned good though.

Edit: I must mention that the venue was GREAT. They played in a little local bar about 40 minutes from my house. There were probably 100 or less at the gig.
I'm actually slightly pissed I didn't find out about this (off Destruction's site) until TODAY. Go figure...

"....because the Soccer World Championship takes place during their US tour. The band
wants to find a sportsbar that shows the games of the german team. In Spartanburg/SC at
the 9th of June, Houston/TX at the 14th of June and in Denver/CO on June 20th!

DESTRUCTION offers free entrance to the shows, a free shirt and some beers with the band
for those who can find/confirm a place where the bands of the "METAL CRUSADER TOUR"
can watch the games live on tv.

"I know soccer is not as big as in Europe here and it will be hard to find a sportsbar that
shows our games" DESTRUCTION frontman explains. "I´m sure with the help of our fans
we can have a great party even before the shows this way! We can NOT miss this!!!
I´m lookin´ forward to the game against Poland!" (Vaders home country)

Anyone that can help the band, please send a mail via the Destruction Contact Fomular!"

Holy crap that would have been so fucking badass.
I saw the show in Toronto May 27th. fucking great concert man. Kataklysm stole the show though, they definatly had the best performance. Vader, Destruction, and Graveworm were also very good as well. I actually caught a broken drumstick from when Destruction was done their set and he threw it out into the crowd.