Anyone seen the Starbucks commercial?

I haven't seen it, but I've heard about it before. From what I heard the guys singing are actually Survivor - the band that wrote that tune. I can't speak for the validity of that since I've never personally seen it, but that's what I've heard.
MeTuLHeD mah Brutha! If you start that chant...I'll lend my loud and proud voice to help ya out with it! That would ROCKETH muchly!

Glenn...Glenn, Glenn, Glenn...Glenn, Glenn, Glenn...Glenn, Glenn, Glennnnnn.

Glenn...Glenn, Glenn, Glenn...Glenn, Glenn, Glenn...Glenn, Glenn, Glennnnnn.

Glenn...Glenn, Glenn, Glenn...Glenn, Glenn, Glenn...Glenn, Glenn, Glennnnnn.

Glenn...Glenn, Glenn, Glenn...Glenn, Glenn, Glenn...Glenn, Glenn, Glennnnnn.

Creeps said:
no way man, Survivor rocks! 80s rule \m/

plus its better that than playing state fairs with Loverboy (who also rock) \m/
Well, ok, I guess you're right. Of course, Def Leppard played the state fair here a couple of years ago...was a cool show until the power went out (over the entire fairgrounds). :headbang:
Heh heh heh.... if only one of the bands from the pre-party was reading this... and told the rest of the band "Hey guys, I got an idea..."

Like... maybe even Into Eternity... or Kamelot! Now THAT would be world class comedy right there!!! Get Glenn up on stage, as soon as the band starts going "Glenn! Glenn Glenn Glenn!..." he'd try to walk off stage, but they would FOLLOW him...... *snickers*
That reminds me of a skit on Conan...

They were talking about new reality shows and they made up

"Big Survivor" Which features 80s rockers Survivor in a house while cameras film their every move.

The whole thing is the members of Survivor sitting around (I'm not sure if it was actually them) and then one of them goes "Hey... Remember that time we did Eye of the Tiger?" and then someone else goes "Yeah that was awesome!". Or

"Hey... weren't you wearing that shirt when we recorded Eye of the Tiger?"
"Yeah man that was the best!!"

stuff like that.
MeTuLHeD said:

Funny thing is, Survivor's followup disc 'Vital Signs' is an absolute hands down AOR classic. The opening track 'I Can't Hold Back' is worth the price of the disc alone.
I agree! I love that album and that song.

On another side note...the guy who does the high voices on the "BUD LIGHT: Real Men Of Genius" commercials is none other than David Bickler himself, one-time lead singer of survivor.