Anyone up for a laugh?

And for those keeping score at home, that's called "taking the high road." :Spin:


Not really. Why would I reply to personal insults? Would you do that Craig?
don't see any reason to spend my time on that.

If you have a problem w me I'll be glad to discuss it over a beer (or soda). We're 30 minutes away from each other.
I'll take a 2XL when I see you, Milton!

And if your music doesn't impress people, then make better music. Don't get pussyhurt because you ain't good.

We released our album, and had a review slagging us for Tony's vocals, saying they don't like his vocals. And then the next review, praising his vocals for being a fresh breath and different! OPINIONS! HOLY SHIT!

Go find the right record label for you. Don't slag on them cuz they don't like what you offer. And if you DO release an album with another label, and you STILL amount to shit, then Claus was right!
I don't alwas agree with Claus. Sometimes I believe he's a bit harsh. On the other hand, being straightforward and not beating around the bush I respect a lot more than dicking around with words. Also, it's HIS management company. His opinions and reasonings are the only ones that matter. It's HIS choice to sign a band or not. After a refusal, crying sour grapes is still not going to get you signed.
Damn I missed all the action!!

I give it to bands straight,when they ask. If they really do suck and made a recording of them sucking, then played it for people who claimed they liked it. Well, they have no true friends willing to critique them and that is unfortunate. Nobody gets ahead in this industry without some form of critique and getting better because of it. We all should be our own worst critics, but that isn't always the case and when your friends won't do it then it's up to random strangers to do it.

But like I said I try and give constructive criticism to bands who I think have the talent level to actually do something with said criticism.