Anyone up for a laugh?

Claus / Intromental

20 years of uniting the powers of metal
So this guy contacts me and wants me to sign his band .... I wrote him back that I listened to the song on his homepage and that I wasn't impressed (this is what I wrote: "No thanks. We listened to the sample on your homepage and was not impressed at all.").

One minute later I get the first mail:
"Well a lot of other people are! Thanks!"

Two minutes later:
"Also, what specifically "didn't impress you at all"? "

Three minutes later:
"Just checked out Andromeda. Sounded like some lame ass Geoff Tate solo think he mailed in to buy more wine. So it seems your opinion is shit anyway. "

My reply:
"Can't handle critique, huh? You'll get far in this business."

Ten minutes later:
"Can surely handle thoughtful "critique", but am not tolerant of a five word sentence basically saying "it's shit". Your lack of regard to the effort put into this and excellent reviews accumulated illustrates you're a small person in a position of power undue to you. "


Should I remind the guy that he contacted me in the first place????

Reminds me of that guy in that local band who told us, "eh screw it, my band is going on a big tour next year anyways, I don't need you guys..."

Me: so then why are you contacting us for a booking agent/manager?


OMFG LOL GLENN. I want one. I know we have Kingcrowtastrophie shirts, now we should get these too! I really don't understand the mindset of people like this guy. "We don't like it." "I WILL CHANGE YOUR MIND BY INSULTING YOU." Is this really how people take it when others don't enjoy what they do? It's like a personal attack or something. Yeech.

Reminds me of that guy in that local band who told us, "eh screw it, my band is going on a big tour next year anyways, I don't need you guys..."

Me: so then why are you contacting us for a booking agent/manager?



Oh, god, that guy. He might actually have been the literal worst.
Must be hard to watch shows like American Idol where people have that same attitude, only in person.

Maybe instead of what you actually wrote, you should take the Simon approach and make them feel two feet tall.
Must be hard to watch shows like American Idol where people have that same attitude, only in person.

Maybe instead of what you actually wrote, you should take the Simon approach and make them feel two feet tall.

i still want to reveal the band's name mwahahaha..
Not on my watch. I could say it's because I like to hold a higher level of professionalism, but really I'd rather just see this guy remain in complete obscurity.
So this guy contacts me and wants me to sign his band .... I wrote him back that I listened to the song on his homepage and that I wasn't impressed (this is what I wrote: "No thanks. We listened to the sample on your homepage and was not impressed at all.").

One minute later I get the first mail:
"Well a lot of other people are! Thanks!"

Two minutes later:
"Also, what specifically "didn't impress you at all"? "

Three minutes later:
"Just checked out Andromeda. Sounded like some lame ass Geoff Tate solo think he mailed in to buy more wine. So it seems your opinion is shit anyway. "

My reply:
"Can't handle critique, huh? You'll get far in this business."

Ten minutes later:
"Can surely handle thoughtful "critique", but am not tolerant of a five word sentence basically saying "it's shit". Your lack of regard to the effort put into this and excellent reviews accumulated illustrates you're a small person in a position of power undue to you. "


Should I remind the guy that he contacted me in the first place????

sure! In a polite way put the guy in his place.
That person thinks much more highly of himself than he really is. Oh, well. Another self-entitled hipster who had been told all his life that "Your're a winner!" and "Everybody wins!" gets introduced to the cold, harsh truth known as "Reality".
a "you are a winner" answer:

We appreciate your interest in our label. Your music is intriguing but at this moment we can not offer you our services, maybe in the future.

Keep up the work!!!!!


Guy can't handle someone not liking his stuff. My band had to see a 1.5/5 review come in for a demo EP. That kinda stuff happens. He just press on and find a label that does want his shit.