Anyone used the Mac System Transfer/Migration?


Apr 19, 2007
Sacramento, CA
I just got a Mac Pro and when I started it up it asked me if I wanted to Trasnfer/Migrate my System Files from an older Mac using Firewire connected between the two systems.

Anyone done this?

I was hoping to just pop my Data Drive from the G4 into my new Mac Pro but it only takes SATA Drives.

I need to copy all of my Pro Tools Sessions and other data over to my Mac Pro.

Wondering if that Firewire Trasnfer/Migration feature will take care of it or if I need to get some sort of External Drive to copy on to.
Yeah, I just got done doing this. I connected my G4 and my G5 with a firewire cable then put the G4 into Target Disc mode from Start Up Disc in System Preferences. The G4 HD icon appeared on the G5 desktop and I just dragged everything that I wanted to transfer over including my DP files. Easy with no problems. The only thing that is a pain is re-authorizing & re-registering certain programs for the new computer.
I did it via firewire and it worked great. After a few hours my new machine had all the settings and everything from my old one with no issues at all. It is very easy to do also.
I just did it tonight and it worked awesome.

The only thing I need to figure out is what Pro Tools 7.3.1 Folders I need to copy that contain all of my Effects Presets.

And yes it was kinda hell re-registering all of my Plugins and getting new authorization codes etc.

The worst of all was Drumagog. It totally went haywire. Started playing strange tones like a signal generator and all of the settings went to like -969323. It wont even play any samples. I am hoping when I unlock it with a new code it will go back to normal.