Anyone using 2011v2 MOBO?


Prettiest Hair Around
Oct 31, 2006
Anyone here using a newer PC with the 2011v2 MOBO and 5820k processor? I'm just wondering if anyone here has one and is being stable for DAW use. I'm having issues with my Saffire Pro 40. When I monitor through my DAW and record audio it sometimes comes out distorted. When I change the buffer rate to anything else and back to what I had it then it's fine again. I also randomly get cpu spikes when in Cubase 6.5 which go away if I reset. I'm pretty bummed out that I spend nearly 1700USD on what I thought was going to be my dream DAW and just have nothing but problems with recording.
i've just ordered a PC with a 5820k cpu, 32GB ram, 2 SSD's etc.
i'll report when it's here, i've spent 3000€ on this machine so i hope it's going to be rock solid!
i am running a RME AIO PCIe card though, should defintively work better than a USB/FW interface...hopefully.
well if you have any external audio interfaces mind testing it out with it? What MOBO are you getting with it? Could you tell me more about that soundcard you are using and how can you add inputs with it? Do you just hook up an ADAT device like the Focusrite Octopre 8 channel preamp?