Anyone using the RME Babyface?

Star Ark

Apr 6, 2010
My current card the yamaha go46 is slowly dying one me and I'm starting to look at newer models. I don't need anything fancy, the RME babyface actually has way more ins and outs than I will ever use but it still seems like it could be the right choice for me. Have any of you guys tried it or own it?

Any other suggestions are welcome, my goal is high quality conversion and stability but not too expensive either. I only have a UA Solo 610 as a pre so a decent pair of clean solid state pres is also a requirement. I'm pc so no Apogee.

Yep, it's quite good.

You'll need an external ADAT device to hook your UA pre up, though as it doesn't have a Line in or Pre's bypass.

It takes some learning curve on Totalmix and stuff, too.
Avoid. Horrid, ugly build quality. Here's my stillborn:

Sounded great when I recorded stuff, but not gonna be useful down the track when it develops problems. That click/jog wheel isn't going to last.
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Avoid. Horrid, ugly build quality. Here's my stillborn:

Sounded great when I recorded stuff, but not gonna be useful down the track when it develops problems. That click/jog wheel isn't going to last.

Shit happens, why didn't you send it back? Mine is in perfect condition. There were some jog wheel reports but that's all AFAIK. I push buttons and wheel gently so it will last. I hope :D
I've been using it for half a month. Jog wheel is pretty much solid although a bit wobbly not as articulate and rock solid as I'd expect for the price. However, the drivers have been very stable as I was expecting.. I'm under Vista x64. The BF's internal DSP effects are fine but not that great. Audio quality is great, everything is clear, stereo image, its all there.

I can confirm about the headphone output not being loud enough (you can read it up in rme's forum), it needs a dedicated headphone amp if you're going to be using it with 200 to 600 Ohm headphone. I'm using it with a Beyerdynamic DT770 250 Ohm and I find it too low for the volume, and it doesn't drive well enough. Don't get me wrong though, you can still push it 6 dB further in Totalmix and get it to sound convincing but you're better off using a headphone amp in the long run if you're using headphones like these or even higher. Quite a few people talked about this issue and it was really down to the design as it is intended for portability, however that doesn't answer the question why some other cheaper portable audio interface do better in this respect.

Another issue of the BF is that it came with a really short USB cable, I wish they could've supplied it with longer ones because most of the time I plug my guitar straight into instrument input on the side and I really need to get away from my PC as far as possible to avoid all those noise and shitty interferences coming from it. The topic about this is probably still going on in the forum at this moment, about how some people bought longer USB cables but it doesn't properly power the BF, didn't work, etc.

It is the most expensive shit in the market for a portable audio interface. So if you aren't in it for the audio quality, converter quality, routing capabilities - ins and outs then its best to get something cheaper. In my oppinion I still don't think it was worth the full $700+ I just spent because of the few issues mentioned.
Avoid. Horrid, ugly build quality. Here's my stillborn:

Sounded great when I recorded stuff, but not gonna be useful down the track when it develops problems. That click/jog wheel isn't going to last.

Bogchop, I'm horrified. I just went back to inspect my unit right after watching your video. Although the two buttons and the jog wheel on my BF is working fine but the TRS jack input on the side of my BF is also shifted like yours, its not properly aligned! Though the TRS doesn't seem to be in contact (but nearly) with the case because there is still rubber rings that prevent them ..the build quality fucking sucks.
IMO, the only situation I can think of when it's not loud enough is for recording drums. But this is much better because it needs less volume and you don't kill your ears if you're a drummer and an AE:


Tell drummers to bring their own shitty in-ears, you don't need HI-FI when tracking. Have some extension cable for them. And if you want even less volume:


At the risk of sounding like if I'm in the business :) the sound of the headphones is great for mixing, too as it has a dedicated converter (if I'm not wrong). And they're loud enough for me when using cans.
@El_Gato: I did return it. We checked the other ones with the staff, they were all boned in their own way. Shocking quality control.

And for whatever stupid reason, I'm now the owner of a Fireface UC, with driver issues. Everyone banged on about RME being awesome, even my closest friends (some of which who are well respected members here). The quality of sound is great, I'm just a bit wary of RME now. I've read too much about support being a turd, not sure if I'll ever invest in a company which provides such service again.

@El_Gato: I did return it. We checked the other ones with the staff, they were all boned in their own way. Shocking quality control.

And for whatever stupid reason, I'm now the owner of a Fireface UC, with driver issues. Everyone banged on about RME being awesome, even my closest friends (some of which who are well respected members here). The quality of sound is great, I'm just a bit wary of RME now. I've read too much about support being a turd, not sure if I'll ever invest in a company which provides such service again.


Amazing how they can get right the most difficult part (sound quality/technology) and take a shit on the easy one (design/construction). My friend just bought a Babyface, I better warn him.
Amazing how they can get right the most difficult part (sound quality/technology) and take a shit on the easy one (design/construction). My friend just bought a Babyface, I better warn him.

You win some, lose some. A friend has an RME unit, bought it second hand. Been going solid for a while now, so luck of the draw I suppose!

Actually, the instruction manual for the FFUC is out of this world, very "matter of fact". Those that own it will know what I mean :)
I know what you feel like. I was waiting for my unit for 4 months and it would have been just painful to return it.

There were people who were waiting for longer because of the building quality as they released the first ones but returned all of them back to China to do another different housing and we had to wait for some more months.

It looked like they got rid of that issues, a real shame. Good luck, Bogchop.
No pre bypass, unsuitable headphone amp. about 18 more ins and outs than I need, breakaway cable I don't like the look of and questionable construction....
Not for me

Why the f**k can't the pc world get a simple yet high quality interface? I've only been shopping for one for about a decade
RME.. next time a more appropriate sticker on the bottom of a product like Babyface should be "MADE IN CHINA" not made in germany. For fucksake.
It's like they designed this product on an off day. Every piece of RME gear I've owned, and every Multiface/Fireface rig I've suggested to clients has been solid as a rock.

I guess it's a new entry into such a low price range for them. At the end of the day you get what you pay for.
RME.. next time a more appropriate sticker on the bottom of a product like Babyface should be "MADE IN CHINA" not made in germany. For fucksake.

I think it's just the housing but I'm not sure now.

As for the ones commenting about the headphones plug, does it affect the sound or whatever when not completely centered as in the vid? Ok, it's a bit off but I don't think it makes a difference tBH if it's solid anyway.

Longer USB cables must have some specifications according to their forum and they cost 20€. I'm on a MacBook so I don't need it. And the controls are very comfortable.

Pre-bypass was a pain at the beginning, I agree, but I needed an ADAT expansion because my 003 doesn't work as a stand alone, so my only problem is solved for me.

Not trying to sell anything but just giving some useful info. Still, it's the best sounding portable interface in the price range (and even many more expensive non-portable interfaces), period :D
I think it's just the housing but I'm not sure now.

As for the ones commenting about the headphones plug, does it affect the sound or whatever when not completely centered as in the vid? Ok, it's a bit off but I don't think it makes a difference tBH if it's solid anyway.

Enjoy your hum there sir, because I certainly didn't! Oh, and the non-flush connections too :devil: