Anyone want to master Feareds upcoming cd? Payed of course..

do you have references what mastering you like ?

and are you going for loud as hell or just competitive levels or even ultra dynamic ;-) ?

i'd give it a try!
just took a quick listen. is it possible you ride / compress the lead vocals harder ?
they jump around in level, especially on the attacks.
or : maybe you could also upload instrumental + vocal track, if youd like.

edit : if you have separate snare group, i could work on the punch of the snare.

so perfect would be :

1 stem with all instruments // no snare no vox
1 stem vox (including fx)
1 stem snare

>> overall very cool riffage, vocals remind me a little of jens kidman mixed with randall blythe ;-) cool stuff!
just took a quick listen. is it possible you ride / compress the lead vocals harder ?
they jump around in level, especially on the attacks.
or : maybe you could also upload instrumental + vocal track, if youd like.

edit : if you have separate snare group, i could work on the punch of the snare.

so perfect would be :

1 stem with all instruments // no snare no vox
1 stem vox (including fx)
1 stem snare

>> overall very cool riffage, vocals remind me a little of jens kidman mixed with randall blythe ;-) cool stuff!

Of course this isn't the final mix. This is more of a quick shootout if someone would be interested to get the job. When I'm done I'll provide the song exactly how the masterer wants it.

Thanks btw
Cool, well my main ones are that the snare needs more processing to cut in the higher mids. It needs to 'pop' more out of the mix in order to withstanding mastering. Don't be afraid to throw some Gclip or other clipping on it. It will make it sound punchier in the end.

The guitars have too much 3.3khz stuff going on. I did a fairly wide scoop around there and of course it impacted the vocal sound also. The guitars just need a bit more of that carving so they create space for everything else.

The low-end was a little bit resonant/uneven in some places. I believe around 100hz and 140 seemed to pop a bit. Make sure the guitars aren't conflicting with the bass, and that the kick is low and sufficiently punching away from both of them.

Vocals need to sink back into the mix. Cutting the high mids on the guitars will help with this. Also sounded like the vox may have slightly too many lows going on. I'm sure you'll work it out when you're doing your final EQ and leveling.

I think the overheads may have been slightly loud, but dont take my word for it. I'd just focus on the above points to start with and take it from there.
I think the overheads may have been slightly loud, but dont take my word for it. I'd just focus on the above points to start with and take it from there.

yeah overheads could come down 3db. also as i said, the snare
would benefit from way more punch, gclip would be cool as ermz wrote,
but also try a transient designer. also try help the attack of the snare
with a 10k boost.

and try a 1176ln on vocals! will make them sit way better!

i think the low end is finde, i did a quick master, and the low end was pretty good!

looking forward to your improved mix!
Your singer sounds like a cross of Phil Anselmo and Chuck Billy. Seriously some lines here or there I could swear I'm listening to The Gathering. Like when he says 'In the name of god!'.

Holy fuck, you're absolutely right :worship:

Ser fram emot en färdig skiva Ola!
Your singer sounds like a cross of Phil Anselmo and Chuck Billy. Seriously some lines here or there I could swear I'm listening to The Gathering. Like when he says 'In the name of god!'.

was thinking that he sounds more like a cross of Chuck Billy and Rob Flynn, at least on the other song Ola posted to mix the vocals.
its crushing anyway :headbang:
the song too