Anyone wants to come with me and kill those bastards ?

Yep. It's just completely unnecessary. That's why the only fur I wear is the pelt of the wild polyestabeast. The polyestabeast is unique in the known world as being the only creature not using it's fur to hold it's insides in. It's one thing to eat beef and wear leather, it's another thing entirely to waste an entire animal on ornamental vanity. And polyestabeast fur has come so far -- much of it is washable and completely believable (though don't put it in a dryer or it will come out looking very surprised). There's just no excuse for callously torturing an animal to strip it of it's hide, and we no longer need fur from these animals to survive. I don't go as far as PETA and I'm certainly not a vegan, but there are just some lines I can't understand folks crossing.

i understand killing an animal for food. animals do the same thing, and in a lot of instances humans are more ... humane about it. but killing them for their fur when you're not living in the fucking arctic or something ... fuck that, it's just wrong.


If I could, I would brutally murder every person who had no problem brutally murdering an animal.

Of course, there wouldn't be anyone left to make awesome food, but damn it, I'd be willing to make that sacrifice.

Animals > People