This is disgusting

When you end up in rehab having your jawbones fixed with braces or see your girlfriend or relative being violently assaulted, you will change your mind. Saying you're not against violence is just about the most immature thing to say. Of course some people are concerned about their internet-gangsta image, but then again, screw this.
cant watch the video right now, but i'll contribute to the discussion by saying that i love meat, and for every vegetarian saying they need special treatment, i'll eat three times as much meat, suck my dick fuckers
When you end up in rehab having your jawbones fixed with braces or see your girlfriend or relative being violently assaulted, you will change your mind. Saying you're not against violence is just about the most immature thing to say. Of course some people are concerned about their internet-gangsta image, but then again, screw this.
Ha, I've been shot almost to death five times, isn't that gangsta, bitch ? Better not screw with 50 Cent, I'm tellin' ya.
If you think this is cruel,
stop eating meat and stop buying any products using animal fur or anything that involves cruelty to animals.

Until then you're all hypocrites.

1) We need to eat animals to survive. Period.

2) Cows are killed almost instantaneously with a pneumatic pistol through the skull.

3) Compare that with skinning an animal alive because some think they'd look cute as a coat.

4) Until you realise that, you're an idiot.


cant watch the video right now, but i'll contribute to the discussion by saying that i love meat, and for every vegetarian saying they need special treatment, i'll eat three times as much meat, suck my dick fuckers

that. There wouldn't be vegans if they could get laid. Also, i love hunt meat, Lambs, Goose you named it. My bitch has a Fur coat, she looks nice in it.

Joonas you faggot, be a man, go to a protest demonstration doens't change shit, you were just there to look nice for your boyfriend or to keep a clean conscience, guess what? you didn't change shit, no difference. If you want to actually make a change, burn down a slaughter house. Or else shut up and keep on with your confortable life and your social status with your peers.
I'm honestly fine with having cows and pigs killed instantly with a pneumatic pistol to serve them as food. I don't have much more sympathy towards them than I have for fish. But to kill a dog animal, the best friend of man, in the most brutal way imaginable, to serve them as coats for rich ladies. NO. If I saw someone doing that to a dog animal, I would lose it. I've had a dog and I know the wisest dogs have a big mind, and I can't believe how in the year 2009 it is allowed to use these beings for fucking coat industry. Why is it more important to save Guantanamo than to stop this?
Joonas you faggot, be a man, go to a protest demonstration doens't change shit, you were just there to look nice for your boyfriend or to keep a clean conscience, guess what? you didn't change shit, no difference. If you want to actually make a change, burn down a slaughter house. Or else shut up and keep on with your confortable life and your social status with your peers.
I fucking love you. Marry me.

I didn't wanted to join the debate, but I don't wanna be the hippieniceguy on this topic. I'm a vegan too, I support PETA's actions, but I FUCKING HATE VEGANS. I hate the vegan mentality, philosophy, "sign this nice and gentle petition to liberate rabbits", "go to a protest and stand peacefully for 19 hours in front of Prada's building", I cannot stand that anymore. At least the A.L.F. is injuring people, burning laboratories and fur shops, they take a few REAL actions (but not enough, infortunately), instead of believing that peace and non-violent attitude is the way to make it.

Violence is the key. That's what I was saying when I claimed I supported violence. I totally endorse it when it comes to animal cruelty (...but not only), and I'm never denying it.
But on the opposite, I'll never blame anybody who eats meat. People make their choice, I'm not here to judge my peers, I'm not Jesus or anything. I eat with meat-eaters everyday, my girlfriend eats some, I don't give a fuck about it. That's not the same concerning fur, since THIS is totally useless and cruel, but some people NEED and WANT to eat meat, and that's not because I don't want to that my mission on Earth is to preach and convince everybody to follow me.

Sorry for that long post. tl;dr : I don't eat meat, I don't care if you do, and I smash fur shops all day long.
I'm honestly fine with having cows and pigs killed instantly with a pneumatic pistol to serve them as food. I don't have much more sympathy towards them than I have for fish. But to kill a dog animal, the best friend of man, in the most brutal way imaginable, to serve them as coats for rich ladies. NO. If I saw someone doing that to a dog animal, I would lose it. I've had a dog and I know the wisest dogs have a big mind, and I can't believe how in the year 2009 it is allowed to use these beings for fucking coat industry. Why is it more important to save Guantanamo than to stop this?
So a dog is cuter than a pig, a cow, a chicken, a duck, a goose, and a tiny tiny lamb. 13 year-old girls won't agree with that. Neither do I.
Today at my college I went to the food place and they had signs up saying "Meatless Monday, blah blah blah vegan pussy shit on April 20th 2009" and i was like FUCK YOUUUU
I fucking love you. Marry me.

I didn't wanted to join the debate, but I don't wanna be the hippieniceguy on this topic. I'm a vegan too, I support PETA's actions, but I FUCKING HATE VEGANS. I hate the vegan mentality, philosophy, "sign this nice and gentle petition to liberate rabbits", "go to a protest and stand peacefully for 19 hours in front of Prada's building", I cannot stand that anymore. At least the A.L.F. is injuring people, burning laboratories and fur shops, they take a few REAL actions (but not enough, infortunately), instead of believing that peace and non-violent attitude is the way to make it.

Violence is the key. That's what I was saying when I claimed I supported violence. I totally endorse it when it comes to animal cruelty (...but not only), and I'm never denying it.
But on the opposite, I'll never blame anybody who eats meat. People make their choice, I'm not here to judge my peers, I'm not Jesus or anything. I eat with meat-eaters everyday, my girlfriend eats some, I don't give a fuck about it. That's not the same concerning fur, since THIS is totally useless and cruel, but some people NEED and WANT to eat meat, and that's not because I don't want to that my mission on Earth is to preach and convince everybody to follow me.

Sorry for that long post. tl;dr : I don't eat meat, I don't care if you do, and I smash fur shops all day long.

More vegetarians should think like that. Cheers.
Joonas you faggot, be a man, go to a protest demonstration doens't change shit, you were just there to look nice for your boyfriend or to keep a clean conscience, guess what? you didn't change shit, no difference. If you want to actually make a change, burn down a slaughter house. Or else shut up and keep on with your confortable life and your social status with your peers.

Come tell that to my face and see who's the faggot? I don't mind this forum argument. You're a little guy so try bully other little guys. You think it makes you a man saying how your bitch looks nice in a fur coat? You should be a comedian. And I didn't participate in a protest, you should know how to read.
I fucking love you. Marry me.

I didn't wanted to join the debate, but I don't wanna be the hippieniceguy on this topic. I'm a vegan too, I support PETA's actions, but I FUCKING HATE VEGANS. I hate the vegan mentality, philosophy, "sign this nice and gentle petition to liberate rabbits", "go to a protest and stand peacefully for 19 hours in front of Prada's building", I cannot stand that anymore. At least the A.L.F. is injuring people, burning laboratories and fur shops, they take a few REAL actions (but not enough, infortunately), instead of believing that peace and non-violent attitude is the way to make it.

Violence is the key. That's what I was saying when I claimed I supported violence. I totally endorse it when it comes to animal cruelty (...but not only), and I'm never denying it.
But on the opposite, I'll never blame anybody who eats meat. People make their choice, I'm not here to judge my peers, I'm not Jesus or anything. I eat with meat-eaters everyday, my girlfriend eats some, I don't give a fuck about it. That's not the same concerning fur, since THIS is totally useless and cruel, but some people NEED and WANT to eat meat, and that's not because I don't want to that my mission on Earth is to preach and convince everybody to follow me.

Sorry for that long post. tl;dr : I don't eat meat, I don't care if you do, and I smash fur shops all day long.

This wasn't about being vegetarian, it's about fur industry/torturing foxes alive. I don't care about hippie vegetarians, but there's two things I hate the most: people who can pull off such brutality, and people who don't know me but still talk shit about me and would never say it to my face. I don't have many enemies in real life and I'm not a fag so it amazes me where all this shit is coming from. My posts are mostly full of sense, it's not my fucking problem if you have trouble reading.