anyone will record COB shows in USA?

i could do it but there are only 6 songs, not enough to make a lenghty, worth while boot leg to trade. Do any of you guys agree.
bobvex said:
i could do it but there are only 6 songs, not enough to make a lenghty, worth while boot leg to trade. Do any of you guys agree.
I would trade with you. Bootleg it :P
I have a video of the 11/13 show at Toad's Place, and IF I go to the 12/13 show I'll be recording that too (not sure if it'll be video though)
Scythe-Shred said:
i was woundering how i start a bootleg collection?
Look for the common ones in Kazaa, DC, WinMX / whatever, try to find someone who hasn't got them and so forth.
Best way is to record shows. Get a decent audio recorder for $50-100 US, then record a show and trade it, preferably for shows that you see few others have, then keep trading. The shared shows are really only a fraction of what's out there.