To all of you who have seen both CoB and In Flames live.

Nov 26, 2001
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If there are any lucky bastard out there who has seen them both you might be able to answer my question...

Who is better live?

I guess CoB _never_ will show up here in Sweden, so i will never se them:mad: (finnjävlar)
Both In Flames and Children of Bodom are awesome live. Saw In Flames at Wacken this year and they were doing pretty well, but I just went wild at the Bodom gig in Germany this year. They had an awesome setlist and ROCKED !
By the way, Alexi's the first guy I've seen who stopped a fuckin' idiot in the crowd from beating up another guy in the front row.
Originally posted by Thrash
By the way, Alexi's the first guy I've seen who stopped a fuckin' idiot in the crowd from beating up another guy in the front row.

Wow, that sounds really cool! :eek:)
I have always pictured that they don't really care
about these things... Probably me stereotyping the
metallers because of the agressive music! >:eek:P
I think CoB is better. I saw In Flames in Tuska this year and it didn't convince me. Strange, since I consider myself as a great In Flames fan. I couldn't hear anything their lead guitarist played and the vocalist was mixed too loud. CoB, on the other hand, plays everytime very clearly and Alexi plays everything like it should be played, not just something.
i would day In Flames, but it's a hard question ...

but on the four bands the tour, Dark Tranquillity was far better as the 3 others (Arch Ennemy being the 4th), but i am not very objective :)
I've seen In Flames after they released Soundtrack to your escape therefor I didn't really enjoy the show because I didn't know/like the new songs.
I used to be a big fan of In Flames but the new albums bah... :bah:

So I'd say COB who I've seen 3 times.
i saw in flames at ozzfest and they were alright but cob are better live imo. i'm seeing in flames again tonight, but headlining, so hopefully they'll play at least like a few old songs. but since the new album (come clarity) is pretty good it won't be all that bad.