anyway thanks enchant!!!!


New Metal Member
Feb 8, 2005
my name is Israel
i just want to share my experience with the dvd
i have been expecting this for loooong time, so last saturday
it was my birthday, i went to a place where i thought i could find the dvd
and fortunately it was the only one :OMG: , i got it!!!!! my self birthday present!!
it is now easier to get this things in here (Mexico a third world country, by the way!!!). so i rushed into my house to listen to it.
i want to say both the bad and good things:
the bad: sound is not good :yell: , i thought i got the bad quality one, too low!!! i am not sure, i just found too too low, not bad , just too low, i dont give a shit because the sync problems, i have found that on lots of dvd, for me it is ok.
the good things: i enjoyed seeing them play , tears drop from my eyes when i saw "what to say" and lots of emotions came to me listening to those beautiful songs, i realy apreciate what you guys do with your music, no doubt this will be one of my favourite dvd!!! and you guys my favourite band!!! thank you thank you thank you!! : hotjump:

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