recording scream vox with an sm57->API->distressor...
then switching to clean vox: c414->API->Distressor....
This time I forgot to engage the pad on the API though, so the preamp was overdriven like fucking crazy (way above the red light)....and the distressor added another bit of saturation of course...
But I gotta say, even an absolutely abused API distorting and just raping the vocals still sounds musical....actually I really like the warm distortion...
here's a wee clip (it's not a mix or anything..just tracking atm..just wanted to show you how it sounds when an API is ANNIHILATIN Vocals
rAPIng vox
then switching to clean vox: c414->API->Distressor....
This time I forgot to engage the pad on the API though, so the preamp was overdriven like fucking crazy (way above the red light)....and the distressor added another bit of saturation of course...
But I gotta say, even an absolutely abused API distorting and just raping the vocals still sounds musical....actually I really like the warm distortion...
here's a wee clip (it's not a mix or anything..just tracking atm..just wanted to show you how it sounds when an API is ANNIHILATIN Vocals

rAPIng vox