Apologies Are For The Weak by Miss May I (full band mix)

I dig it! Id like to hear more power in the vocals as well as the guitars! I think the vox should be the focal point of this song! Kick drum is a little distracting to me.
The mix as a whole lacks low end.

Also i'd bring the click of the kick down a bit.

But the biggest issue here are the guitars. They should be a bit louder and honestly i feel like they're not played well enough.
Cheers for the feedback guys!

Any advice for the kick? I have had similar feedback on various mixes I have done and I am unsure what to try. I am going to be getting Trigger next week so I can play around with more samples but I doubt simply using a different sample is all I can do.

The guitars were recorded very quickly in one go so yeah they aren't as tight as they could be.

I think I also removed a bit much low end when I mastered it, I'll watch out for that in future.

Thanks guys!
It is super aggressive, it almost killed my ears because my speakers were set up too high for it !

I am guessing there is too much processing going on everywhere. The kick does not sound like a human played it. The roll at 1:25 sounds like a machine-gun. It should at least feel like a double kick drum, where right and left foot sound different. Because of that, it doesn't sound "wow impressive the drummer is a machine" but "yeah, it's programmed"
It lacks warm low end, is your room bass heavy ?
The room is fairly small and is very reflective so yeah, for this one I did put the mic very close to the cab but there is still some buildup.

The main lack of low end was due to the EQ when mastering, I removed more than I should have done in hindsight.

I really need to look at acoustic treatment for my room but I have no idea where to start!
Guitars could IMO use a cut somewhere in the highs to remove some of that fizz to make it a little bit smoother. This could also be due to a lack of bass in your mix...though soundcloud likes to do that to mixes. Also, they could probably be a bit louder.

Kick drum sounds really fake as already suggested. Too much click, and sounds non human on the fast double bass.

Clean vox could perhaps be a bit more wet, but that's an artistic thing IMO. They are kind of sibilant too.
kick drum, dip out the 1-4k (somewhere in there im thinking 3 to 4k is the culprit) find the most annoying resonant point and pull it down like 4-7 db and widen the Q to taste to remove the annoying bite, bring in some 100-200 hz (find it) for some thump, if you want presence try adding some 10-12k after subtractive eq, itll really keep it from being distracting while keeping the presence, and it sounds like a one shot sample, what are you using for drums?
hey dude good job on re-recording the instruments! i like your mix but i can't focus on what changes you should do because i'm sooo much tired of work..

ps: i am the guy that recorded scream vocals + my friend record clean vocals into my studio
Ah thanks glad you liked it! Both vocal tracks were awesome and great fun to play with, I'm very grateful for guys like you who upload these vocal stems as it's invaluable practice for guys like me who can't record vocals.
Lacks a little bottom end?
The drums definitely need work in terms or performance. If you want them to sound like a really tight drummer, look into velocities and slightly bumping the hits out of place (a tiny bit) in fast parts to give it a more human feel. In cubase there is a function for this. I'm sure most daws have a similar function.
Something is off with the vocals but I can't pinpoint it right now. Guitars sound drowned out a little bit. Maybe just a volume issue. Will listen again more thoroughly on my flat mates monitors.

Sounds pretty good to me otherwise. :)