Apologies from Arizona

The strongest irony is that Dark Tranquillity where the opening act for bands that have lots of elements influenced by Dark Tranquillity. So this is the biggest crap that their label (or who it's related to) have ever made.
Anyway, I like Killswitch Engage or to tell the truth I still like some tunes except the last album.

More to say, I've never thought that you americans have the same problem. I was pretty sure that only here we've got a bunch of these emo-metal-death-insert_any_random_shitword+CORE kids with those huge loathsome tunnels, tons of piercings, senseless (and absolutely the same) tattos and being ever-drunk. It is pretty disturbing when they crowdsurf on every song (really, I always see the same retarded faces on each song) and bothering you instead of just letting enjoy the show. I am very peaceful person but this time on December I sometimes were so close to kick someone's ass, 'cause I came for enjoying the show - not for struggling with idiots.
And the most annoying thing is that those idiots disturbing musicians. They repeatedly come to the stage to shake hands, to have a hug and all that shit WHEN THE BAND PLAYS. Am I the one who finds this to be disrespect treatment?
In 2008 some stupid asshole caused technical issues for M. Niklasson by catching on bass'es pin with his t-shirt and immidiately jumping off the stage. Luckily me and some guys managed to catch him before he caused some more serious damage to bass guitar. It was on "My Negation". But this wasn't enough 'cause for the second "My Negation" time in 2009 drunk stupid girl came to stage hanging Mikael while he was singing, so he got confused singing the lyrics for a while.

Sometimes I wish that somebody could kill those people who are not able to respect musicians, behave oneself and respect people around

Believe me, it's not you. I'm not sure where this fashion started (Goths became fashion, so 'gothic-fashion' became 'new-emo', and 'emo' to 'emo-core' and stuff like that) —although Europe or the U.S. is my guess—, but due to globalisation every country has that. I've seen it here, in Canada, England and The Netherlands. Like that, I think most kids are nowadyas concerned about uploading their newest videos into their X account, will actually take pictures with the band and interrupt them on stage (I almost punched one kid in The Netherlands), instead of actually enjoying the concert.