Arizona Napalm Death, DT, SYL, show review


Milano Mosher
Sep 5, 2001
MegadetH ArizonA
01-21-03 @Bash On Ash.
Nile, Napalm Death, Dark Tranquillity, Strapping Young Lad, The Berzerker

Well when I got to the show, the Berzerker were just finishing up their last 2 songs. Ive never been a fan, and I just cant get into them. Maybe it's because I cant overlook their damn mask gimmick.

SYL was awesome, except for some reason the crowd wasnt in to it that night. Devin was saying some pretty funny stuff but the crowd wasnt doing anything. I wouldve never imagined a crowd could be so still during Oh My Fucking God. So during the 3rd song(S.Y.L.) I single handedly started a pit. It worked, but not for very long. They only played 6 songs then left. I was pissed, but clearly the majority of the audience wasnt into them, It really sucked cause there were about 20 of us who were REALLY into the show, but it didnt matter. I dont blame SYL(they played freakin awesome too)but I was pretty dissapointed.

Dark Tranquillity put on a damn good show, but again the crowd just wasnt there. Then I just started feeling depressed and it was pissing me off. I never get depressed, but this crowd just fucking sucked. So I went back and got a beer. I watched DT finish their set back from the bar while I nursed my $5 beer.

Next Napalm Death was getting ready to come on stage. I was really anxious to see what kind of show ND puts on. Well let me tell you that Napalm Death blew me away. Barney freakin kills live, his energy is EXACTLY what the crowd needed. They finally got into it for Napalm. I had some fun kicking ass in the pit til I knocked over one bastard who kept doing hardcore punches & kicks. What sucked is after I did that 2 security guards immediatly rushed me and started yelling at me and threatening to kick me out. So that fucking pissed me off even more, I mean it's a pit aint it? But live Napalm Death is THE way to go.

Nile was good, but they took way to long to get on the stage. Karl kept having guitar problems, but they eventually got through that. Dallas played really well and just seemed to be having a damn good time, it was just cool to watch him play. I dont know why the have Jon the bassist up there as frontman though, he never seemed to actually be playing his bass and he rarely sang. I say they should boot him to the side and put Dallas or Karl up there in the middle, they'd make better frontmen then him. But overall Nile was good, but I dont know, for some reason Jon pissed me off. The rest of Nile rules, and their drummer is freakin amazing.

Napalm Death stole the show though, they seriously should've headlined. But seeing Hoglan and Devin perform was a huge highlight, Im just hoping next time they get a better response.
Originally posted by SpeakUSAorDie
01-21-03 @Bash On Ash.
Nile was good, but they took way to long to get on the stage. Karl kept having guitar problems, but they eventually got through that.

Yeah, this was a problem at the Austin show, too. All the other bands got like 10-15 min at the most to set up (SYL had keyboard problems and took about 20 or so), but Nile took like 40 min or so--seriously.

The sound engineer at the back was a complete moron, and the drum tech pretty much got into a verbal altercation with him from all the way across the venue. Karl kept on going back and forth, he looked like he was having some guitar problems, etc. I've heard that he's like a real bitch to work with/for, and I could tell form looking at him that he was not happy.
Karl kept on going back and forth, he looked like he was having some guitar problems, etc. I've heard that he's like a real bitch to work with/for, and I could tell form looking at him that he was not happy.

No no no! Karl is really cool, I've met him on their Belgian date in October, and he gots out of the place to have a beer with me and some friends... And I was surprised, 'cause he's a really funny guy!

What is the evil thing about being perfectionnist on stage?

I was at the show also, I thought all the bands played great, and really SYL was my favorite music, but Napalm Death did indeed steal the show, things never get too wild at the Bash on Ash, so you have to expect the crowd to be tamer
there were alot of people there at arizona in SYL. Not everyone moshes, I sure don't as I have gone up in age. does that mean I am not into the show, HELL no, I dig shows my own way. I am there for the music not to bounce my body off of other sweaty guys.
If you want a good reaction... try the 97 US city tour. 12 people on the floor in Providence, RI. 2 up front. Anyone else moved at all... they got glowered at by the se greasy biker types rendered immobile by their too-thick leather coats there for the Testament of the 80s as opposed to the Demonic era band... Then there was the batch there for Stuck Mojo...
I thought that the sound for SYL and DT blew and had a negative impact on the show.Mysteriously ND sounded awesome...Hmm.
I've seen Napalm like 5 times now so I left half way through the set.

I was talking to Gene and they're making a few more US tour plans this year.

One tentative line up is Meshuggah/Dillenger Escape Plan/SYL Well fingers crossed
Originally posted by Imperiled Earth
I thought that the sound for SYL and DT blew and had a negative impact on the show.Mysteriously ND sounded awesome...Hmm.
I've seen Napalm like 5 times now so I left half way through the set.

Yeah Napalm Death's sound really surprised me. It really was that damn good. SYL & DT were average I guess. I didnt notice it being exceptional, I didnt notice it sucking.. but Im not the sound master, but that could've been part of the problem, since it seems everyone was REALLY into all the bands except SYL and DT...
Originally posted by Imperiled Earth

I was talking to Gene and they're making a few more US tour plans this year.

One tentative line up is Meshuggah/Dillenger Escape Plan/SYL Well fingers crossed
Dillinger & SYL would be awesome. I saw Meshuggah w/Tool at America West Arena and I(at the time, before I rushed the floor)was up in the upper deck. Any metal experience is going to suck from up there, so it'll be cool to see Meshuggah at a smaller venue.