Obituary and Napalm Death


Internationaly known
Jan 18, 2004
Jeffersonville NY
I saw these guys last night. It was a pretty good show,but one thing pissed me off...When did Napalm Death become one of those anti-war bands? If it want for "war" they wouldnt even have the name Napalm Death.
its funny with the 80's punk scene too, all these pictures of rotting corpses, burning bodies, death, famine, and theyre "peace punks". they want "peace and anarchy" but they come out and say they will kill/beat/smash in faces of cops and government officials. funny world.

i love the music, but the people ruin it. to be 40 years old and still believe in that anarchist lifestyle of hopping trains, making pants out of patches instead of buying real pants is why im not into that scene anymore. i guess i just took on the natural progression of life...i grew the fuck up.
gaschamber said:
its funny with the 80's punk scene too, all these pictures of rotting corpses, burning bodies, death, famine, and theyre "peace punks". they want "peace and anarchy" but they come out and say they will kill/beat/smash in faces of cops and government officials. funny world.

i love the music, but the people ruin it. to be 40 years old and still believe in that anarchist lifestyle of hopping trains, making pants out of patches instead of buying real pants is why im not into that scene anymore. i guess i just took on the natural progression of life...i grew the fuck up.

plenty of tards like that here in richmond who refuse to grow up
the absolute worst mentality is with working class skinheads, im friends with a lot of them, and i still do listen to oi, but the lyrics are the GAYEST! "we need a better way" "break our backs for our little paychecks" "go to the bar on friday after work and blow our paycheck on booze" you know what the "better way" is, dipshit? its going to college ("but i cant afford it"--what about a student loan?), maybe even developing a skill without schooling, not being wasteful with your money, not getting into a fight every night at the bar and getting fined for it. most of all, NOT BLAMING EVERYONE FOR YOUR FUCKING MISTAKES!

"never give in" a term that doesnt necessarily mean being stupid.
Hawng said:
I saw these guys last night. It was a pretty good show,but one thing pissed me off...When did Napalm Death become one of those anti-war bands? If it want for "war" they wouldnt even have the name Napalm Death.

When did they become?

"They have always been" is the answer. You didn´t know one of their songs is called "Conservative shithead"?
Arg_Hamster said:
When did they become?

"They have always been" is the answer. You didn´t know one of their songs is called "Conservative shithead"?
I was never that big into Napalm Death....I always assumed (yeah I know) they werent that political. I always thought they were more of a Murder Death Kill kind of band.

Oblivious Maximus said:
I'm seeing them soon. Napalm destroyes live, and I haven't seen Obituary live yet.
Obituary sent a post out on myspace 2 days ago saying Alan West had quit the band and blah blah blah, they deleted it 2 hours later. We got to the show, Napalm death came on and kicked much ass. When Obituary came out the place was packed and they also kicked ass, but Alan West stood there like he had a stick up his ass, didnt bang his head or even move for that matter....he wasnt having fun for sure. I wouldnt be surprised if they drop off the tour. But who knows....
Hawng said:
was never really big into them, didnt your band open for them once?

Yes, in July, they kicked ass and were cool as people as well. There was an American band Diecast on the bill, which kicked ass even more.
Arg_Hamster said:
Napalm Death rules on stage, and from what I´ve heard they are very friendly.
My wife and I, met them before the show and yes they were real nice guys, but before we met them they were arguing with the club owners about getting food and beer....Obituary on the other hand they were dicks, we asked them for autographs and they flipped us off and kept walking. Ahhh to be a rock star...I miss that shit.
Hawng said:
Obituary on the other hand they were dicks, we asked them for autographs and they flipped us off and kept walking.

Did they? Well fuck them!
As I said, Napalm Death were very cool people.
"I saw these guys last night. It was a pretty good show,but one thing pissed me off...When did Napalm Death become one of those anti-war bands? If it want for "war" they wouldnt even have the name Napalm Death."

It's an anti-war name in itself. After the vietnam war the graphic images of civilians being napalmed struck a chord with them and they went for a name that was confronting. The original members of the band came up with it in 1981-1982 when they were heavily into anarcho-punk and discharge and other pacifist bands.

Jonnieczech, whats the name of your band?