Apparitions album stems, mix anyone?

Jan 30, 2011
If I posted in the wrong forum let me know.

Hey everyone,
This is an album I've been working on with a few friends here and there. We have Jamie King booked to mix it but unfortunately he doesn't have time until June. I'm the singer, also did all rhythm guitars, bass, and programmed drums.

I run my own studio, but I always want to give my own music to someone else to handle, as I go absolutely crazy trying to mix my own material. The one song posted above featuring Ryan from Demon Hunter on purevolume was a Jamie King mix. I'm looking for some ideas/collaboration on mixing this possibly before Jamie gets to it, not saying I don't want to hire him, I still plan on doing so, I've always respected his work and look up to him. I'm just anxious to hear some mixes of the material, and who knows maybe we'd get it sounding as good as he would.

I'm checking to see if this sparks any interest before I start spending hours consolidating and uploading stems to the internet on 3G (times are hard).

Drums can be bounced with hits, or a MIDI track. Guitars are Fernandes Ravelle with EMG 81 used with Pod Farm, some with TSE50 with mixIR JJ Louder Impulses. So I can bounce those D.I. or with the plugins. Bass direct-in with a fender precision, vocals AT4040. Most tracks are already edited and chopped to what I heard wrong, if i didn't miss anything.

24-bit 44.1

There are 7 complete songs right now, let me know if anyone would be interested in this project.
I'd be interesting in giving mixing a song or two, maybe if you like what you hear I can do more. I personally would like bounced and MIDI drums to mess around with. Just bounce the straight DIs, no effects necessary.
Hey sorry its taking so long, I was making stems and realized (being an older session) I wasnt as ocd then as I am now so I tried fixing some things. I am uploading some drum hits but if you're familiar with midi, dont bother downloading those folders, they are addictive drums. Garbage. I only use addictive because the cymbals sound real when I need convincing cymbals on something. The drum midi folder is a single midi file, and the map I used just in case you have issues with it, the drums are labeled in there. Vocals are already narrowed down to the keep takes, they're just split onto many tracks due to overlapping words and such. No editing needed with them, I fixed the flats and over-vibratos. I understand the bass track is really fuckin blipped up, I apologize. idk y i didnt crossfade stuff with that track. If I dont find a way to repair it I may just retrack it when i get the cash for strings.

I'm uploading these over 3G (no house connection right now) so it'll be a couple hours before they are done uploading.

For now here's drum midi. alive stems/Drum Midi.rar

and a frustrated mix i did Alive 2-20 (mix attempt3).mp3

if i end up passing out i'll post the links when i wake up. prob around noon or so lol, no bands are booked here right now.
I´d be totally up to do it! i love to mix this kinda style. real cool! i´ll give the test mix a shot today! upload should follow tonight!
just realised there´s only the midi, lol. haha, well, gotta wait a little then i believe.
I'll have a mix uploaded in a little bit. Qwe, your mix is good, particularly your guitar tone, but I am hearing a little clipping, and the drums sound a little 'stock SD2' for my taste, but that's just me.
I'll have a mix uploaded in a little bit. Qwe, your mix is good, particularly your guitar tone, but I am hearing a little clipping, and the drums sound a little 'stock SD2' for my taste, but that's just me.

Yeah, clipping because of no mastering as I said. And well... the drums are (except for the OH's) stock SD2, haha.
I'm definitely interested. I'll throw my hat into the ring with a mix later today.
there's always a lot of tracks on my new songs, 4-5 guitars and electronics, by the time i get everything sounding right i have a bitch of a time getting the levels correct and getting em all to sit in the mix next to each other instead of on top of each other. with the tone of this song i wanted to get a lot of atmosphere with the piano, and clean parts. Most of the songs are like this too.